Was spearing and had a 7' grey reef shark come after my
fish, he got around me like I was wearing him, was crazy I was twisting and turning he never tried to actualy bite me was just going for my snapper. I ended up bumping on the
head with the gun (didnt hurt him) but scared him away. And no he never got my fish, I am not one to start feeding Sharks, its like feeding gators, they associate humans w
food. I was also followed all the way to our boat from the bottom while shooting on the eagle in 110' by an at least 14+ Tiger shark. That gave me religion,,,And no I didnt drop my fish then, but I was sure ready to.
Sharks are everywhere, we have dove and shot with Bulls, Tigers, huge ammerheads, etc around, Respect them, understand their behavior and its no biggie I dont consider what the grey reef did to me as aggressive, though many would have and tried to kill it,