We saw a shark heading from Provincetown to the cape codcanal yesterday... About 8'-9' long or so. No idea what kind though... Spotted the fin And saw the side to side motion. Then as we passed it we saw it definitely wasnt a porpoise. I think all the seals are bringing them around. Surprised us to see it there especially on the inside of the cape!
Saw them last week but didn't let it bother me much as I passed Chatham to end up in Mashpee.
Scared my friends though when I yelled louder than I thought possible when one was about to jump in the water at dusk.
I spent an evening in Chatham last week on my Cape circumnav. There's a sandbar in the harbor on which over 100 seals loll about and bark and bellow. It's an amazing sight. And I'm sure the sharks refer to it as the Snack Bar.
I didn't get to see any sharks. Maybe they got a glimpse of me though. . . .