Im a solo sailor. My reasoning is simply because i dont want to be responsible for someone elses life . In order to do this i rely on auto pilots. I planned a sail to
Hawaii end of June this year. 3 weeks before embarking my trusty
Navico wp5000 went belly up. I say trusty because it worked. Ive been over 10,000 miles with it. It has a small
motor, looked like a
washing machine
motor with a pully , a belt attached to the
wheel and a control unit with 3 buttons. One for port, one for starboard and one to engage. Elegantly simple. Occassionaly it would fail. I would get to
work and jury rig something and get it working again and off id go.
So to not belabor long winded reasoning. I needed a new one. There was a wp5000 on ebay, but i thought better about a 30 year old device i didnt know anything about and went with Raymarines EV100. Brand new. What could go wrong. It did. 300 mikes off shore taking a cat nap as solo sailors do. I heard something that sounded like someone stepping on a bag of walnut shells . Immediately knew it was the motor or the attatchment to the
wheel on the auto pilot.
Without an
autopilot 1800 miles from my dest i had to fix this. I pulled the wheel, pulled off the motor. No fixing this one. The housing between the motor and wheel contains a mechanism that i gasped in horror at what i saw when i pulled it apart. 3 tiers of 3 , 1/2 " little plastic
cheap gears. The top tier gears were all stripped. The second tier 2 were stripped. These gears are turned by the
gear on the motor. Being stripped the
gear that connects to the wheel couldnt be turned. Thus no
steering. I turned back home and because i had no
autopilot. 5 arduous days of manual labor. A bunch of stuff went wrong on the
boat because of not having an AP. I tried to fly the
jib, i couldnt keep the
boat into the
wind . Just as i unfurled the
wind grabbed her and wrapped it around the fore stay and imnediatly started violently thrashing about.
Sheets intertwining. I couldnt unwind it . In 8-10 ft seas and 15-20
knot winds i wasnt going forward. Sure death. So the
jib ended up getting torn to shreds,
lost a
shroud, a broken step into the
cabin from me
diving with the wheel in hand crashing down on it. A few other things
Easy to write about this after the fact. Suffice it to say i lived the age old addage of "sailing is 95% boredom and 5% sheer terror."
I wrote to
Raymarine about my experience no response. My
insurance co rejected my claim. No proof. But i can recover from that. What im having a hard time with is the
money and time ive spent in preparation for a dream ive had for several years. And yes i shoulda installed a
wind vane. I was running up against
weather window issues. I didnt want to spend the time to
research, find install and test a new device. Not to mention the cost. I was familiar with wheel pilots and thought this new fangled, high tech thingy would get the job done.
Folks, please stay away from Raymarines EV100, it can steer a course on a flat windless sea or lake, but in my estimation is well intentioned but in the manufacturing of fell way short. It is made of very
cheap plastic and as i found out will not hold up on a real trip. Built for a lake or the east coasts inland waterway. Even then i wouldnt trust it. My rating = Zero stars here.