tI read your post with much interest Capn Bill, thank you. But you know, at the end of the day, wonderful as she sounds from your magnificent narrative, your
boat has one
single inherent failure, that no amount of wall paper can paste over; she is still a Cat.
Many mono owners view Cat owners as having similar cognitive bias as do flat earthers. At bars and dinners in saloons, secretly and out of ear shot of any cat owners, well we mono lovers all make jokes and chuckle about Cats, say things like pigs and lipstick. Just joking!
Will your post take this long long controversy of mono vs multi off of the Cruising
Forums list of never ending debate? Perhaps.
Even more importantly will there now be a conversion? I foresee that throughout the weekend, all over the world
Boat Shops and Brokers too will absolutely be inundated with us Mono owners wanting to
trade in our vessels for a leaky Cat.
To confess the absolute truth, as I pen this little post, where I am, it is coming up to 0700, Friday morning, and already I can see a queue formed outside a Broker's office in close proximity. Some may have been there all night.
What they all do share are printed copies of your post Capn Bill. When I walked over to ask why they were lined up (I thought perhaps another
Mantus promotion) a chap with a wet bum handed me a sheet. The office doesn't usually open till 0900. But the entire marina will soon see the light, the sun comes up in about another 30 minutes.
Certainly your post will forever be quoted whenever some newb joins Cruiser Forum asking the question, Cat or Mono?; No question Newb, here's the proof Newb! (and all mono aficionados), the good, no no,
the best cruising life can, and will be had in a multihulll, you just need faith, plus, Bill said so, end of thread, end of story.
I see film rights, I see
books, I see
radio and TV news interviews. Capn Bill's post is the opiate for the Mono masses.