A Cruise liner gets stuck on a reef, or sinks,
People come from every where in all kinds of craft to render assistance to the Cruise Vessel in
So dont give me that **** on being reimbursed or who is going to pay,
Its a
rule of the sea, Maritime law,
You will render assistance immediately to any vessel in
I would try my Damdest to help.
Its not like when your on land, You have a flat tyre, your not going to drown as well.
A freak wave rolls you over or a hole in your
boat, (Floating container,)
You just cant leave it there on the high seas and walk home, or catch a Cab,
A Cruise Liner sinks,
Nah, we wont bother about it,
Its too expensive to run a few Naval Ships and Helicopters out there to save them.
But we will sue the company for polluting the ocean with
fuel oil when their vessel sank, So we will make a dollar out of it any way,
No clean up necessary, the
boat sank, 1500 people drowned, And just a little
oil slick on the
water, thats all thats left. Not a trace of any thing else,
Cost just doesnt come into it, when your trying to save some ones life,