Are you kidding me?
The Great Circle scam has been all over the internet including a youtube video from one of the customers that got stiffed. Even the Editor of Sailing Anarchy wrote about it.
As far as Precision Sails, I simply referred folks to the current thread on the company.
I am making no "claims" as you state. That is something you can ask over there.
Let's face it, Precision Sails does not exactly have a stellar
history of being honest about its business.
They are simply a
marketing company that takes orders and sends them off to an Asian loft to be built.
Nothing wrong with that but don't claim you build most of your sails in-house when you make nothing.
This is the same company that got raked over the coals for claiming they had a
wind tunnel to test sail designs and were caught red-handed for taking existing pictures of yachts and photoshopping their tack logo on them. There is also a local business article floating around that was published last month you can find. An interesting read considering the owner told his bankers that they build most of their sails in
Personally, my dealings with them made me run straight to my local North loft. They lowball their prices then add everything under the sun as "options" and the salesperson I spoke with was worse than a used car dealer.
When he started bad-mouthing North and other sailmakers, that was it for me.
How many sail lofts and
marine retailers went out of business over the past two years?