What started out as a bottom job turned into a major redo was to be done in 2 weeks it's now been 9 weeks and we are done replace all the thru hulls and brought the bottom down to bare and interprotect then 5 coats of
bottom paint new zincs re did
rudder removed all the outer protection and down to bare
wood then re did it treated and re-glassed it added 2 solor
panels 135 kerocera new MTTP 500 and new 3000 pure sin wave
inverter added 2 more
batteries for a total of 6 T105 new
radar dome painted
hull and boot stripe. And it seems now that I look it over heck feels like we rebuilt it. So now a few days here in Goodland, Fl to shake her down to find any bugs then of to the Key for a few weeks and then up the
east coast for the summer. heres a few pics hope this works.