One day, ready to leave
dock for the first time, with his two daughters, Paskalie 18 and Noémie 12, the capt, walked around his cat for 1.5 hrs, undoing one
rope at the time, looking everwhere if people were watching, getting ready to launch, planning his method, over and over in his
head, but without any
catamaran experience he decided to do what he thought was right. Just as he was to take off, the capt. of the next
dock, Palaran, car to see if he needed help, and gladly the capt. said yes. He gave him a crash course on how to leave dock with a cat. Like riding a bicycle, it is easy, but when you have never done it..... Just would like to say thanks to Palaran, for without him I think I would be hauled out with some
fiberglass job getting done on the back of the keels. Thanks for taking some time in helping me with getting out of dock. Gee, who would of known, leaving a port dock, you actually have to stear INTO the port dock???? But it worked out perfectly.