I was in foster homes from about 1981 at about 11 years old for 4 years, in one home we smoked pot and stayed up late nights drinking hard liquor while the oldest boy was having sex with the foster mother, another home the foster father had a bad temper and hit a couple
kids and broke things sometimes blaming us for the broken doors etc to the home director, and the last one that I'll mention was a very religious husband wife doo gooders foster home, mind you the home was a State funded home and we were forced to their church about 3 times weekly and coersed to convert. The foster mother used to talk to me about performing oral sex, she was having sex with this one boy in the home (there were 3 of us), he was in there because he was sexually abused by his
family members and was a real emotional mess. I saw this boy about 10 years later selling his body on the streets of Buffalo, NY for crack cocaine.
I was a tough kid in group homes and detention centers so I never had any problems and only a few fights with fellow housemates although some were there for things like stabbing their
school teachers etc. They let me out at 16 in 1985 because I became and expectant father, we had the child, then got married when I was old enough and had a second child. They are 27 and 24 both are sound adults with bachelors degrees and careers. We divorced years ago.
The reason my parents took me to court and
New York State was awarded custody of me was because I ran awaw from home a couple times. My parents consulted a catholic charities counselor, this lady strongly suggested that I was headed in a bad direction and needed help greater than my parents could manage. My parents (mom and step dad) were dumb and are still dumb and ignorant, my natural father drank himself to death when I was 16 years old after meeting my firstborn child and after hitting on my wife (alchoholics and womanizing often go together).
Anyway, I have strong feelings for this young
family and the foster care situation.
I feel for the dad, mom and
I also sense that the parents may have had a troubled youth, the family unity may be all that the parents have ever known and possibly the only stability they have ever known in their life.
I have felt feelings similar to this father.