For many of you this thread has included a rehash of previous discussions but for me has been informative in several respects.
After joining the forum a couple of weeks ago, I've been getting acquainted with the vibe. Off the bat, I was amused by the number of initial posts just like mine, i.e., "I'm fifty-blank and looking to drop out and take up the cruising life.", but realizing at the same time that this was probably not good!
During my campaign in middle age to fulfill childhood dreams and fantasies, I started surfing. I'd seen Endless Summer when it came out in '66 while vacationing on LBI, NJ and desperately wanted to surf. It was the height of the sixties surf craze. My parents didn't think it was a good idea. So, in my late thirties, I got a board and taught myself to surf. Not well, but well enough to have fun. It didn't take long to discover that most surfers were pretty cagey about where and when they surfed. Not surprising, since the well-known spots were beginning to get crowded even then, twenty years ago. Now, where there used to be 25 people out at 6am, there are 75! It's considered bad form to 'spot-name' and there's a kind of general 'know-nothing' attitude among those from whom a
newbie might seek
advice, particularly during the recent surf craze redux.
Another of my childhood things was boats. As a kid, I loved them, wanted to have one, wanted to be aboard one, and did so at every opportunity, which alas wasn't often. After finding CF, I wondered whether there might be some of that same guardedness among cruisers/liveaboards generally. Responses have been mixed, I guess.
Since I'm not part of the 'club' as yet, I don't have a strong feeling one way or the other about this gentleman's
project. As others have suggested, there might be a way to make an interesting film without drawing unwanted attention to some of the touchier issues.
Other interesting things in the responses were the honest descriptions of some of the less attractive aspects of the lifestyle and also who comprises this group. Poking around CF, I'm often wondering "who ARE these people?!" and am tempted to think that the vast majority are those who made (forgive me) boatloads of
money at fill-in-the-blank (corp. lawyer, stock market, dot.coms, etc.). But, as mentioned above, it's probably a much broader mix than an outsider would assume.
Anyway, just a few random thoughts ...