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Old 26-03-2012, 16:54   #16
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Re: living on the cheep or just a cheep SOB

Originally Posted by Randyonr3 View Post
reason being I've heard more and more of the crap in just the last few years..
even on this forum we read of those that want to start a "Black list" of marinas that wont cater to the "Cheep cruiser"..
and heven forbid the person to walk throu the doors of west marine as the company is a rip off..
A day dosent go by that someone isnt bitching about the cost of cruising..
And the reality of it is, its a boat and a luxury item, and it cost bucks to own and maintain one.. sure there are ways around it, anchor out, do without many items, take a bath in a creek, and live on the "down Low" but the reason for posting in the first place was a reality check..
If you're buying a boat to live on and cruise, you plan on spending money, thats the way it is..
Randy, please don't take the following personnely, but

After cruising for ten years, I left the month before the elections of 2000 and returned in 2009 (I missed the last administration), I've noticed a terrible trend in atitudes of people in the United States.

Everybody is way to cynical and quick to put a negative spin on EVERYTHING!

Look back through the post and count the number of positive post and then compare that number with the negitive post, or the neutral post that someone uses to generate negitive comments.

I've even reduced the time I spend on this forum as I'm still trying to not be pissed all the time.

I wish I were still cruising.
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:16   #17
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

Originally Posted by Randyonr3 View Post
Which catagory do you fall into?

Maybe its the economy that has turned the cruising community into a welfare resource..
Had a guy walk into the shop this morning with a couple bags of sails needing them fixed.. was in the middle of a project and asked him if he could stick around for a couple minutes.. he said sure and walked over to my new "long Arm" machine and sat down..
finished up in a couple minutes and asked him what he needed..
He said his sails needed repair and seeing the equeptment he said he knew he was in the right place......Until I told him that all repair on sails would rate at 45 dollars per hour.. (my normal rate is 80 but I give cruisers a break)
You wouldnt have believed how this guy lit up and started mad mouthing me. I was now part of the establishment and I was out to squeze funds from a cruiser.. (all the time, leaning on the new 8 thousand dollar longarm sewing machine we bought for sail work)
I even made him an offer and said I would trade him time for time, as he could refinish the teak on the top of my boat and I'd do his repairs, swapping time for time.. He Declined...
as he grabbed his bags of sails I heard him complaining about rowing all the way over here from where he's anchored..

Cruising is a lifestyle, good bad or different, and If you cant afford it, maybe you should get yourself back on land..
I hear people bitching constantly about how much marinas or moorings are, the fees for entering a country, the cost of parts for their boats and how people are ripping them off..
Its all part of the lifestyle and If you're going to dance, you gota pay the fiddler..
I think you where being more than fare, trading time for time. God knows I have more time than money and would love that deal.
Just the guy that runs the boat.
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:22   #18
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

I agree..his offer to trade time for time,,or even a reduction in cost for time exchanged was a very considerate thing to do..
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:24   #19
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Originally Posted by atoll
what happened to the customer is allways right!

though the individuals behavior was in excusable,it might have been more diplomatic to sell him a tail end of sail thread,and a couple of needles and tell him this is how we used to do it in the old days.........for free
I guess he becomes a customer when the job is accepted. Up to that point he is just a cheap SOB - LOL

Then I suppose after the deal is NOT struck he's just an a'hole...
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:28   #20
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

Hell...i will offer my knowledge and my skills to another fellow traveler for Free,,Gratis,,Nada,,,but i guess thats just because i came up from the ground level like a lot of other honest folk.
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:29   #21
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

Originally Posted by Nemo55 View Post
Hell...i will offer my knowledge and my skills to another fellow traveler for Free,,Gratis,,Nada,,,but i guess thats just because i came up from the ground level like a lot of other honest folk.

That's not how one operates a for profit business in the free market economy
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:34   #22
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

Charge or trade whatever you feel is reasonable. If some SOB doesn't want to pay, they should be on their way!
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:34   #23
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

Yes you are right,,,
I neglected to mention that i have owned and operated my own business before.
When i work from home these day's i judge each job on it's merits.
For the most part people are overly generous in their appreciation of my work.
And when it is obvious a person is in financial distress i charge accordingly,,and sometimes not at all.

I just ask them to pass it along to the next guy who is in need.
It has stood me well all my life.

Originally Posted by Sailmonkey View Post
That's not how one operates a for profit business in the free market economy
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Old 26-03-2012, 17:56   #24
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Re: living on the cheep or just a cheep SOB

Originally Posted by Sailmonkey View Post
I'll gladly pay someone to do something right I don't have the skills or tools to do. But to walk into an establishment that has overhead, proper machines, skilled labor have something done and expect it to be free makes that guy a cheap SOB.
... When i did work from home i would charge $25 to $35 per hour for the exact same job...
Did you have insurance, pay taxes, and own commercial (shop) property, etc?
Gord May
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Old 26-03-2012, 18:08   #25
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Re: living on the cheep or just a cheep SOB

When i owned my own shop, yes i did, and still i could and would cut some people slack when the circumstances required it.
Don't get me wrong,,i like profit as much as any man,,but to profit from others misery i will not do!!
That's a personal judgement of my own and i agree, overhead and taxes require us to charge accordingly.
I had more trouble with well to do clients than i had with the Salt of the earth types, the well to do's did not like parting with their cash even when they could see that i was charging less than my competition for the same work.
Poorer people would come back sometimes with a baked pie or an offer to take me out for a drink in thanks.
I haven't had that kind of treatment from a wealthy client since the 70's.
In my opinion the Salts of this earth are worth Ten of any wealthy person hands down,,maybe i am biased,,but i have had good reason to be so.

Again,, i understand that businesses need to show profit,and i am far from Naive, a person will only burn me once after which... if they are still walking they will never get the chance a second time.
I walk softly and carry a BIG STICK..

Originally Posted by GordMay View Post
Did you have insurance, pay taxes, and own commercial (shop) property, etc?
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Old 26-03-2012, 18:23   #26
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Re: living on the cheep or just a cheep SOB

Originally Posted by Nemo55 View Post

Again,, i understand that businesses need to show profit,and i am far from Naive, a person will only burn me once after which... if they are still walking they will never get the chance a second time.
I walk softly and carry a BIG STICK..

Then did you read the OP's post? He offered a time for time trade to this guy.......he's attempting to be as helpful as anyone. The whole rant about rip offs doesn't hold water, the original problem is someone who needs sails repaired but can't/won't pay but won't help themselves when an opportunity is presented.
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Old 26-03-2012, 18:37   #27
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

And if you bothered to read through the posts you would have read this:

"I agree..his offer to trade time for time,,or even a reduction in cost for time exchanged was a very considerate thing to do."

The post degenerated into an attack on those of us on limited budgets in my opinion, such as: cruising is a luxury and if you cannot afford it you should go back to dry land,,or some such. this got me wound up..
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Old 26-03-2012, 18:49   #28
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I thank god every time I step on my boat for being fortunate enough to be taught a strong work ethic which affords me such luxury.
Time for time is an awesome trade,what a tight ass that thinks his time is more valuable than $45 per hour.
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Old 26-03-2012, 19:01   #29
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Re: living on the cheep or just a cheep SOB

Originally Posted by Nemo55 View Post
I was one of the people who suggested starting Bad Boy list,,NOT for complaints from Cheap cruisers, but as a way in which to give other cruisers the heads up about Bad Business practices by unscrupulous Idiots when we have little or no other options at the particular time,,,GET YOUR STORY STRAIGHT!!!!
You are acting like a spoiled rich kid who's had his silver spoon taken away.

As to Boats being a luxury, you dont know your ******* from a hole in the ground,,,Some of us call our Boats Home, or are about too because of economic collapses caused by profiteer's.
My boat will be my home,,and will have very little to do with expendable income or luxury.
I take EXTREEM OFFENSE at your IGNORANT PIG HEADED'NESS.. i wish i could use stronger language on this forum but i understand i may have gone too far already,,,,
Pray that you never need help in a crisis.
Our boat is our home, has been for the last 10 years.. And maintaince is far more than I spend on my rental homes.. I work my ass off to get where I am, no silver spoon here and those that know me here , know I work 7 days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day to get where I am.
As far as luxury, my last set of sails was just over 20k...
I wasnt refering to your coment as "Bad Boy List" but if the shoe fits..
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Old 26-03-2012, 19:32   #30
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Re: Living on the Cheep or Just a Cheep SOB

Originally Posted by Randyonr3 View Post
......You wouldnt have believed how this guy lit up and started mad mouthing me. I was now part of the establishment and I was out to squeze funds from a cruiser.. (all the time, leaning on the new 8 thousand dollar longarm sewing machine we bought for sail work)
I even made him an offer and said I would trade him time for time, as he could refinish the teak on the top of my boat and I'd do his repairs, swapping time for time.. He Declined...
as he grabbed his bags of sails I heard him complaining about rowing all the way over here from where he's anchored..

Randy, that guy was pretty unhappy before he came into your shop, so his reaction had little to do with your kind offer

“Barter” seems to have become a forgotten commodity in developed countries where instead we have to financially quantify any transaction in order to wield the power of “consumer rights”

The only question I have about your judgment is….. Would you really want an angry man messing around with your teak?....
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