I'm struggling. This boat is about 22' and possibly the 80s. I've been up and down SailboatData.com and cannot find a match. Anybody recognize this boat?
The easy things to spot like the toe rail, the keel, and how the deck meets the hull are not even close to what the early '80s Hunter 22s look like that are currently for sale on the web. I would say it's a different make.
The S2 6.7 (early 80s) boats seem to be the closest match. I haven't found the perfect match, but gotten very close with the toe rail, pulpit shape, keel and that deck to hull slope. Now just need the right model...
On the sailboat in your picture you have a very pronounced rub rail that is absent on the other boats you have mentioned. It's about 3 or 4 inches below the toe rail and runs all the way around the hull. Look for that feature as that tells you a lot about how the boat was built and how the deck was mated to the hull. It's also one of the easiest identifiers you have to go on.