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Old 15-01-2013, 00:22   #1
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pirate I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

Hi. This is unashamedly aimed at corporate America.

As a Canadian you have to get used to the Big fella next door to the South! From disputing borders that they had unilaterally imposed under threat of war to thinking that they have better hockey players, it is like the winter snow a fact of life.

However enough is enough! UPS, FEd Ex, or whoever have this neat trick of imposing "border fees". These fees can double the cost of the purchase. Ebay sellers, West Marine, Defender< etc all find it expedient to us cross border couriers. USPS charges what it costs to get your goods across the border, no more no less. The Big corporate guys have this cash cow going.

Well enough is enough! I am pouring the tea into the harbour( yes harbour is spelt with a u) and saying stuff you! Any American company that needs my $ (Canadian that is worth more than the American) will have to work at saving me money.

Obviously as with any revolution, several suporters would be very welcome.
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Old 15-01-2013, 00:44   #2
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

I once received a box of Christmas presents that cost me over $200 in fees- and that was in 1995. We quit exchanging gifts with our relatives in the US after that! The fees were explained to me as brokerage fees. After discovering how ridiculously expensive it has become to ship anything by courier I have decided that I can no longer afford to buy items in the US, send them to mail forwarder and then forward to where ever we are. From now on, I will either purchase (if possible) locally or in Canada, where I can stockpile the goodies in anticipation of the next trip home. Even paying the hst I would still save some money.
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Old 15-01-2013, 01:17   #3
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

Defender uses USPS to Canada. Great people to deal with and good selection and prices.
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Old 15-01-2013, 03:54   #4
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

I am shocked to hear that you think the only good hockey players come from Canada. You have just set our relationship back to the original six. But you are dead on on the other stuff and I think it will only get worse as Big Gov looks to grab more and more while the large corps just take the path of least resistance and pass through "fees".
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Old 15-01-2013, 04:30   #5
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

We don't really care about hockey. Our hockey players probably don't care, either. That's why your hockey players can beat our hockey players. Ours would rather be playing Football. The fact of the matter is, sports that require ice or snow are sort of an exotic curiousity for us Americans. Nobody actually does that stuff for real.

You guys spell funny up there, too. But that's okay my little northern brothers. You are still honorary North Americans. Your whiskey is nice and cheap, if a little bland. (I mix my Canadian whiskey with good old American Coke.)
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Old 15-01-2013, 07:26   #6
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

I'm glad you brought this up. So, U.S.P.S. is the best way to ship to Canada?
Good to know for future reference.

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Old 15-01-2013, 07:32   #7
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

I will only use USPS for shipping.

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Old 15-01-2013, 07:39   #8
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

Glad to hear that US Tax Dollars are subsidizing good shipping service to Canada (at least we are not waging war on you too). USPS is still under the delusion that it is a "business". The real businesses have to make a profit or cease to exist.
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Old 15-01-2013, 08:01   #9
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

I realize you might be in an isolated area, but in "NW B.C.", can't you simply sail to Alaska to get American stuff? Or have it shipped to a friend there.
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Old 15-01-2013, 08:18   #10
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

The problem I have with these "brokerage fees" is that they seem almost arbitrary in nature. Each company charges a different amount for the same service. And it is very difficult to know what you are going to get charged until the package actually arrives. Capitalism at its best I guess .

Add to this the irksome fact that some companies, such as West Marine, have full and extensive retail services here in Canada, yet when I buy from their online storefront I have to incur these additional brokerage fees. If I bought the same product in their Toronto store I wouldn't get dinged this fee, but if I order through the website I do. Seems unfair.

Actually, these fees have made me change my online buying habits. First off, I work hard to buy from Canadian stores. Binnacle, Pride Marine and BL Yachts are my favourites these days. When I have to buy from a US company I try and insist on USPS shipping. And when that fails I have things shipped to a US address just across the border. I'm lucky enough to live within 30 minutes from the border, so I can drive down and bring the item across myself.
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Old 15-01-2013, 08:18   #11
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

Originally Posted by GrowleyMonster View Post
We don't really care about hockey. Our hockey players probably don't care, either. That's why your hockey players can beat our hockey players. Ours would rather be playing Football.
Actually I thought hockey players in the US all wanted go to wrestle mania. Almost the same as hockey.
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Old 15-01-2013, 08:21   #12
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

Sad to say even our young hockey players just got the crap beat out of them by your American players at the world juniors (Canada out of the medals, USA gold medal). But we still have curling to fall back on!!
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Old 15-01-2013, 08:25   #13
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

I live close enough to the boarder to drive there in half an hour.

There is a company that caters to this problem:
CBI USA | US Mailbox Rental & US Shipping Address Services
They allow you to ship to their address and store the items till you pick them up.
Cost is $6/package (more for large/heavy) or you can pay an annual fee.

You still need to declare the items when you bring them into Canada, but usually the only cost is HST. Theoretically goods made outside of USA could have other duties applied but I have never had a duty charged, even the HST is not always billed. Definitely worth the drive for me.
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Old 15-01-2013, 08:35   #14
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

The worst offender, IME, is UPS. I refuse to use them for anything. Now that Amazon ships from Canada it is a lot better.
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Old 15-01-2013, 08:41   #15
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Re: I am sick of being Bullied by my Big Brother!

Originally Posted by NorthPacific View Post
Hi. This is unashamedly aimed at corporate America.

As a Canadian you have to get used to the Big fella next door to the South! From disputing borders that they had unilaterally imposed under threat of war to thinking that they have better hockey players, it is like the winter snow a fact of life.

However enough is enough! UPS, FEd Ex, or whoever have this neat trick of imposing "border fees". These fees can double the cost of the purchase. Ebay sellers, West Marine, Defender< etc all find it expedient to us cross border couriers. USPS charges what it costs to get your goods across the border, no more no less. The Big corporate guys have this cash cow going.

Well enough is enough! I am pouring the tea into the harbour( yes harbour is spelt with a u) and saying stuff you! Any American company that needs my $ (Canadian that is worth more than the American) will have to work at saving me money.

Obviously as with any revolution, several suporters would be very welcome.
Nothing stopping from going down to their border warehouse and clearing it though customs yourself - for free. Essential you are paying for someone to clear these items through customs for you, the courier companies charge you whatever they feel the market will bear, while Canada Post charges you something like 5 bucks.
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