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Old 18-05-2019, 11:09   #1
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How to use a smartphone gps as an external device?

Hi everybody,

first thread for me. I really hope is not already solved somewhere...but I searched the forum without success.

problem to solve:
I installed Open cpn on my notebook (Win10) and I can't get position datas from my phone (Samsung A8 android).
I tried many android apps to share the gps via bluethoot..... Opencpn see the virtual serial ports #6 and #7 but there's no communication (I tried all the baud rates).

Then I tried "GPS satellite" for win10 and it works but position doesn't come from an internal gps, it comes from networks around (it seems).

does anyone tried and/or solved this problem?

I'd really like to use the phone device as external gps so to use Opencpn on different boats.

thanks in advance

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Old 27-05-2019, 00:47   #2
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Re: How to use a smartphone gps as an external device?

Since no one answered, I'll give my $0.02, though it's not exactly the answer you're looking for. IDK how, or even IF, you can do what you're asking. But I do know you can simply buy a "puck" GPS for your computer for very cheap (Amazon_search puck gps). I used that for year before phones and tablets became cheap and reliable enough. Now I wouldn't consider using a computer on-board anymore with a good quality tablet costing $200-300. But the "puck" will allow you to do so.
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Old 27-05-2019, 03:48   #3
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Re: How to use a smartphone gps as an external device?

David some years ago with my samsung s4 i solved it and wrote it up in the opencpn 4 books manual, under Supplimentary Software. Perhaps search on android gps. I listed several programs and showed how they work.
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Old 27-05-2019, 03:50   #4
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Re: How to use a smartphone gps as an external device?

PS The phone got warm and used a fair amount of battery. You will want it plugged in for continuous use
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Old 27-05-2019, 10:10   #5
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Re: How to use a smartphone gps as an external device?

"Bluetooth GPS" by Meow is your friend for sharing the GPS of the phone.
Alternativly try "GPS Tether".
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Old 27-05-2019, 17:07   #6
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Re: How to use a smartphone gps as an external device?

I second Franziska's choice.
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Old 06-10-2024, 16:01   #7
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Re: How to use a smartphone gps as an external device?

ok, here is a solution for win10/11 with android 9-14, complete free without advertising, nagscreens ect, works absolute stable.
i will show how to send nmea (gps) from smartphone to pc via UDP and serial.

tools: android: GPDdforwarder:

Win: com0com serial emulator:
signed driver for com0com:

for some checks i use netcat64, but not realy needed:

without the signed driver com0com will not work, what is not a problem when you only need UDP, as example when you only use it for opcpn or qtvlm cause they can handle UDP. in this case you dont need com0com, the signed driver and udp2serial. for Sasplanet you need serial and com0com is the only free version.

First off all you must decide who will be the hotspot. in my first steps i used the notebook for hotspot, but there is a different in some wlan-moduls. some notebooks have the problem that they need a access point nearby to offer hotspot. with other words: without an access point no hotspot. when you have an AP on board that shouldnt be an problem. you dont need Inet!, only connected to the AP, then you can use the hotspot and the smartphone can "see" the notebook for network connect. Some wlan-moduls can offer hotspots without wlan. check that out:
open an cmd console as admin and type: netsh wlan show drivers
when the answer under "supported hosted networks" is "yes" the hotspot should work without wlan is activated, when "no" you need a AP (access-point) nearby.

SMARTPHONE as hotspot:
since my last notebook went to nirwana and my new one cant hotspot without wlan and no AP nearby i checked out to use the smartphone as Hotspot.
this is how it work: Wlan=off ,mobile data = off, Data save = off, Hotspot =on. //Samsung A54 5G, android14

setup win tools:
if you need virtual serial ports, install first the signed driver: start setupc.exe downloaded from petes blog. HINT: it will NOT work you only type "install". the right way is on promt type: "Install PortName=COM1 PortName=COM2" without quota, after that install com0com by default. after that copy udp2serial.exe as example to c:/
copy (if needed) nc64.exe to C:/windows/system32/. i use that only to check that the nmea data come over udp and serial into the notebook.

setup android:

install apk GPSdforwarder. the forwarder need an IP and port to send nmea, we will check that after hotspot connect with notebook

start the hotspot on android , ( wlan=off ,mobile data = off, data save = off, Hotspot =on, location(gps)= on, then connect the notebook with the hotspot.
Now we need the IP for GPSdforwarder. since the hotspot give the notebook an IP via DHCP, let us check out which it is. open an cmd console and type "ipconfig -all" without quota, behind "ipv4adress" you see the IP. this is the IP for GPSdforward, good port could be 10110. start GPSdforwarder.

UDP connect:
to check that there is an nmea UDP connect to my notebook i use a batchfile ( with netcat aka nc64.exe, which i copied in my system32), my "check_Nmea_UDP_10110.bat":
@echo off

@echo... here shoud be nmea data, otherwise there is no UDP connect
nc64 -ulp 10110

now it can be used the UDP connect in ocpn or qtvlm with the IP/Port i typed in GPSdforwarder.

SERIAL connect:

for that i have a batchfile too,"UDP2serial_Start.bat":
start udp2serial -b=9600 10110 COM1

Note3: My udp2serial.exe is in D:\Smartphone_2_Sasplanet\programme

to check that nmea comes in via serial, here is another batchfile, "check_Nmea_COM2.bat":
@echo off

@echo... here shoud be nmea data, otherwise there is no serial connect. start first UDP2serial_Start.bat

copy com2: con:
Now you can reach the serial connect under COM2 in your Navtools.

IMPORTENT: after check data (UDP or serial) is incoming close the batchfiles, otherwise your navtools cant connect. when use serial connection the udp2serial_start.bat (udp2serial.exe) is permanent running.

Samsung A54 5G GPS:
A-GPS, Glonass, Beidou, Galileo und QZSS.
accuracy = 4 meters.

Moody Yachts UK, MOA
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