I used them starting 2019 -
boat lifting/storing works. But, spent 6hrs in office, further 4 hours through the boat to go through TODO list of 26 points. 2 years later - no
boating due Corona crises-
work has not been finished, but despite agreed and payed
battery maintenance/once per month loading intervall - a €2500.-battery
AGM battery block was ruined/ ok replaced, but with any asian lable. Further 12V Mastervolt - 220 V Converter was "by mistake" deinstalled, not given back nor reinstalled. I do not like to use the word theft, but it has not been part of the ToDo list. A committed due date for finishing the order has been not held, as no response, we drove down to observe status and
work by ourself. STatus found the same as a month before/ nothing done. Going through the final invoice
parts provided by myself have been not used, double of amount
motor oil invoice/d for "spoiling?!?", several works not ordered, no information given upfront, no approval eg. sea
water pump replacement. Lateron i found out, that the shaft of thevreplacement
water pump shaft is not an original
VOlvo Penta spare part shaft/ but
cheap local manufactured shaft with bad finish. I tried them another period assuming cutting invoices for neither ordered nor approved items on the invoice should be part of a session to know each other..... next period he tried to press
money out of me by denaying to launch the boat at agreed and confirmed date. My laywer had to offer him the police as helping hand,..... he launched us. A gel coat scratch he "repaired" with some uncoloured gel coat plus l car colour spray, making out of a 10cm scratch now a 20cm diameter sticky surface, a 30min wack off job for €60.-...... just that you are prepared....