Hey all! 1st time poster, recent lurker and beginning sailor(s) here! My wife and I live in the
Seattle area and have been talking about
buying a
Catamaran and moving on board till
retirement in early to mid 50's (we're in late 30's now). I've sailed a few times on monohulls and my wife has been out once on a
monohull. She's on board with our plan of moving onto a Cat but wants to make sure that she actually ENJOYS sailing! Yeah yeah, I know, how could she NOT right?!?!
Well I keep reading
forums and FB posts, watching tons of Sailing channels on YouTube (Cheeky Monkey, Out Chasing Stars, MJ Sailing,
Catamaran Impi, Trio Travels. etc. etc.). We went and looked at the
Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 that Signature Yachts has and both my wife and I fell in love with it but feel we may want to get the bigger Helia 44 for the
interior space, the topside lounge and the extra exterior and stowage space.
My dad grew up sailing and
racing single mast and multi-mast sailboats in the
Puget Sound and I feel it in my blood that cruising is what I want to do, we just need to make sure the Wife is not just on board but enthusiastic about taking this life altering plunge!!
So the reason for my post is a question, would anyone be willing to take us out sailing for an afternoon or weekend, either on a
monohull or, preferably, on a catamaran??? We can bring some yummy grub and drinks (we don't drink alcohol ourselves), are willing to do any tasks needed on board to prep/while underway/at
dock and would love to go out with another couple and chat about sailing, the life, pros and cons, etc. We'd be willing to drive down to
Oregon or up to
British Columbia if someone had it in the kindness of their hearts to show a couple of burgeoning sailors the ropes and educate us on why this is all so awesome?!?!
We'll be at the
boat show this weekend if you'd like to meet us first, make sure we aren't total weirdos

We're going on Saturday and will be around the sailboat and catamaran area (hoping there are more Cats than just the FP Lucia 40 there!).
Thank you SO MUCH in advance!!
Also, if I posted this in the wrong area, MODS please feel free to move!