29-02-2012, 15:35
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Originally Posted by Bash
This is entirely true. The phrase "Man up" should only be directed toward navigators who sail boats with names like "Honeysuckle."
Ah, a rose by any other name ...
“We are the universe contemplating itself” - Carl Sagan
29-02-2012, 16:21
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
I know how you feel. Not so long ago a couple of these mean old bastids called me "Fat Ty".
It stung. I won't pretend otherwise. I got over it in time. I looked at myself and I said, "Hmmm, maybe they have a point."
It still hurts though. Oh yes. It surely does...
Mean people suck.
29-02-2012, 17:21
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Originally Posted by hummingway
I have to say that here at CF we strive to have the kind of environment where a woman doesn't have to "man up". In addition we think it's OK that DOJ is a cross-dresser though we wish we could figure out what he is crossed with. We don't think the term "stinkpot" should be applied too a woman who wears cheap perfume and talks too much since it is reserved for motor boats. We accept that many people will champion multi-hulls and some even think they belong on the same boat. Dogs, cats, children and goats are all acceptable on boats but not Rocna's, unless they're made from the correct metal as advertised.
I think on the whole we do quite well.
LOL... glad you took your humor pill this morning... that was really funny!
If your attitude resembles the south end of a bull heading north, it's time to turn around.
29-02-2012, 18:56
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Originally Posted by ty.gregory
I know how you feel. Not so long ago a couple of these mean old bastids called me "Fat Ty".
It stung. I won't pretend otherwise. I got over it in time. I looked at myself and I said, "Hmmm, maybe they have a point."
It still hurts though. Oh yes. It surely does...
Mean people suck.
Mean people do suck! Some things can be innocent errors-but that was just rude. Cruisers usually don't care about looks, income, previous career or boat size, age, etc. Even if they had a Rocna (unless it was dragging down on them! LOL) I felt the most accepted and had the most fun when I was cruising because of that. We were all in the same boat so to speak!
29-02-2012, 19:59
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Excellent thrust and parry! OP, I know that sounds dirty, but it's not. Well, perhaps it is, come to think of it that way.
"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end." ---Aldous Huxley
29-02-2012, 21:06
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
The phrase..In one ear and out the other...pops into my head here in regard to your post here.
Man or woman, you take the words that you will benefit from and advice that directly relates to what you are searching for and ignore the rest.
I am a female and I learned LONG ago that people, men and women, say things in different ways etc etc. If you are going to take everything to heart and personal you will never learn anything. This is an online website, not your dating life. So I do not see why there is a problem and a need for immunity.
If you put things out there, you have to keep in mind that everyone reads typed word on a screen the way they want to. You should do the same thing. Take what you need from what you read and disregard the rest.
Another saying.... If the shoe fits wear it, if not throw it away..... =)
29-02-2012, 21:35
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Originally Posted by speakeasy
Excellent thrust and parry! OP, I know that sounds dirty, but it's not. Well, perhaps it is, come to think of it that way.
Oh good. A neutral third party appears. How about keeping score for us.
The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
Sometimes it's necessary to state the obvious for the benefit of the oblivious.
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29-02-2012, 21:50
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
a sailing life is one were sex,race really is not the main critreria to enjoy a great time,just like minded people doing something they have made a goal in life to do.Meeting a stranger(male or female) in a out of way bay on a 20fter or a60fter,you soon get chatting and guess what his or hers mooring light is not working and you just so happen to have a spare bulb or what have you.Enjoy and dont take things to sereose ,lifes to short.
01-03-2012, 01:40
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Let's not forget that we are using at least five (or more) languages on CF.
USA english, UK english, Australian english, Canadian english, a whole selection of European english and assorted others. Anyone who thinks these are not different is a fool unto themselves and a burden to others.
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence
01-03-2012, 03:59
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
as a matter of interest,and since we are on the subject of inequality,how come one never see's any black people cruising on their own vessels?
is it a cultural thing? or are cruisers,not only sexist but racist as well!! (tongue in cheek)
in 30 years of cruising i can only think of 3 people of african roots that i've met that could be called active cruisers!(not including all the wonderful boat boy's and others who work on the sea)
01-03-2012, 04:08
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Originally Posted by Siren o the Sea
Another saying.... If the shoe fits wear it, if not throw it away..... =)
I wondered how long it would take for the women to start discussing shoes.....
01-03-2012, 04:24
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Originally Posted by atoll
as a matter of interest,and since we are on the subject of inequality,how come one never see's any black people cruising on their own vessels?
is it a cultural thing? or are cruisers,not only sexist but racist as well!! (tongue in cheek)
in 30 years of cruising i can only think of 3 people of african roots that i've met that could be called active cruisers!(not including all the wonderful boat boy's and others who work on the sea)
If you went near Somalia you probably would  .
FWIW, that's something I have also wondered about over the years - I put it down to socio-economic factors, after all most white folks don't have yachts for much the same reasons.
01-03-2012, 04:43
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
used to joke with the lad's in the yard where i worked in the west indies
"why do west indians not like going sailing?,......cos the last time someone invited them they ended up as slaves in the carribean.............."
01-03-2012, 06:32
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Originally Posted by David_Old_Jersey
I wondered how long it would take for the women to start discussing shoes.....

Now there is a fine example of english that would be easily understood by all the various nationalities of english native speakers.
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence
01-03-2012, 06:36
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Re: Female Sailor's Request for ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY
Originally Posted by atoll
as a matter of interest,and since we are on the subject of inequality,how come one never see's any black people cruising on their own vessels?
is it a cultural thing? or are cruisers,not only sexist but racist as well!! (tongue in cheek)
in 30 years of cruising i can only think of 3 people of african roots that i've met that could be called active cruisers!(not including all the wonderful boat boy's and others who work on the sea)
But there is a rich history of other black people cruising (perhaps better said - voyaging) and that is of course, the Polynesians and others of the Pacific nations.
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence
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