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Old 11-07-2017, 05:55   #46
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Re: Doing my research and wondering...

Originally Posted by hamburking View Post
In my area, we can get maybe 2 channels with a VHF antenna on the TV. But as the boat slowly swings at anchor, the channel fades in and out, and the antenna must be moved. The REAL entertainment was watching my kids moving the antenna endlessly trying to watch some boring show they would not even consider watching at home.

hee hee ...I can see where that would total entertainment, I would feel the same way!

Yes, I've drifted off topic.
A bit but sort of not too.

Originally Posted by Calif.Ted View Post
Did you notice the swim ladder on the back of John's Catalina ? Recently my friends' 300+ lbs Brother in law made a pretzel out of the ladder on his Jeanneau so on the fourth he dinghy'ed him over to try and bend mine. Didn't happen and Bubba was able to climb out of the water with a big smile and no damage. That solid ladder on the back of a Catalina goes WAY down and if I had a tank on ?
What type ladder and sailboat do you have?

Originally Posted by StuM View Post

Wow! Love it. Now where to practice such a maneuver as to not end up on someones youtube channel! I will try least twice!

Originally Posted by JPA Cate View Post
Lee, the "butt belt" is just a wide belt (ours was made from multiple layers of sailcloth, with cutouts for two large D-rings, the vertical part about 2-1/2 " tall. The cloth was then sewn around the rings, on 1/2 " intervals along the length of the belt. Jim fitted aluminum alloy carabiners, so all I had to do was snap in.) The attachments on that boat were 4 long wood screws per side on [obviously, 4 hole pad eyes] pad eyes, into solid timber joinery. Never moved or tried to pull out. Safe as houses!

Fantastic! I like something I can make! Thanks Ann

Originally Posted by valhalla360 View Post
I'll focus on the initial question:
There are search engines to narrow down your search but the problem comes in when you try to get too specific. Price, length, beam, engine type and a few other variables are accommodated by many search engines to various degrees.

But when you get beyond the basics, you move into a gray area and the databases are frequently not fully populated (or a specific model may have different layouts). Example what happens if you select by number of cabins?
- Does a berth in the main cabin count?
- What about a quarter berth that's kind of separated but not really a separate room?
- What if it's a separate room with a door but no place to stand?
- What if the model has different variations with different numbers of cabins?
- What if the seller didn't fill in the number of cabins? Does the system omit or keep it?

This is just one variable. If you start talking about dozens or even hundreds of variables, very quickly developing a search engine that gets you only what you really want and populating the database to feed it becomes a huge issue.

If you go to craigslist, you will see people gaming the system by putting related (but incorrect) words at the bottom of the ad...why because if you are searching for an F150 and they are selling a dodge or chevy, by putting F150 randomly at the bottom of the ad it will come up with a search. It's a challenging thing.

Your best bet is to treat the search as entertainment and sift thru ads looking at what you like and don't like and eventually, you will hone in on makes and models that you like.
It is challenging for sure. I think as a newbie, it can get overwhelming and coming to these forums for advice I do get to hear a variety of opinions. But that's what I like about it too, it gives me options when I can open my mind and understand how others benefit from other features. I'm sure at some point I will get a firm like or dislike for features which will help. The beauty of being new is the chances of me adapting and loving what I have without knowing better can be a stress reliever...ignorance is bliss after all. I really appreciate your reply here, sometimes it helps to just hear exactly what you said. I am not afraid of the hard work and research, it's just that when making such a purchase it would suck to end up purchasing something we regret. I don't think that will happen but only because we get different opinions. I don't marry into others opinions but I do consider what those before me have to offer.
I'm rambling...the point is.. Thank you..I needed to hear this.
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Old 11-07-2017, 17:24   #47
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Re: Doing my research and wondering...


Some thoughts on re-reading your OP.

1. It is unusual that you will hit on a perfect boat for you the first time out, especially if you have hopes of going further afield than the Bahamas. People will try to steer you into shallow draft boats for locales with shallow anchorages. Some of them will try to sell you on the idea that shallow draft boats are "better". Well, they anchor closer to shore, and there are undoubtedly some places that deep draft boats can't go.

2. There are many things you're going to learn once out cruising, that will inform your choice of a new cruising boat.

3. You can go at this differently: you can find out who designed the boats you are attracted to, and search out the other boats designed by that person.

4. You can start investigating yacht design, and start reading the reasons behind designer's choices, and this new knowledge will inform you when you look at boats.

5. Plan on getting another boat that better meets your needs post Bahama. It can still have some form of sugar scoop stern and a reasonable sized double berth. (Jim talked me out of an island berth because it didn't make sense to spend that much volume on an area in which we would be insensible 7 hrs. a night. I still think that was the right decision for us. We need storage space more than bed-making convenience.) YMMV

Who scorns the calm has forgotten the storm.
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Old 11-07-2017, 21:06   #48
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Re: Doing my research and wondering...

Hi Ann~
I have doubts that we will have our forever boat on the first purchase, it would be nice but I doubt it beach use I want to cross an ocean or two and visit countries outside of the Caribbean..eventually. And yes, most of what I read says to get a shallow draft. I was actually curious about centerboards. I haven't researched them too much though so I want to my due diligence before asking around on here.

We have SO much to learn... hopefully the lessons won't be too hard on us though. Time will tell.

I never thought about looking into the designers and why they made their choices. I like this idea a lot! I think looking at it this way will definitely help, thank you!

I wish we could find a forever boat, that would be great in a perfect world. We were looking at boats at the high end of our budget and I'm thinking about taking it down a notch. I think if we shop smart, we can compromise on a solid boat that meets our needs. We have always lived below our means and spend our money on experiences more than 'stuff'. It's a double edge sword, we don't want to spend all of our time fixing something or doing some major refit, we do not want any type of project boat. Someone had mentioned that we get what we pay for and I do believe that to be true. However, because of our lack of experience What one considers top dollar is some else's bottom dollar. It all seems relative. We don't want to eat up our savings and investments so much that we can't continue to have wonderful experiences. In order for us to do this for a longer time than our bodies will probably be able to, we have budgeted $3000 a month, with no loan on the boat. Maybe I shouldn't divulge that but it is what it is. I hate hearing it's not enough or that it's too much, as I have seen on some posts. It's our budget and that is that. I don't know if we will find the best boat but I am hopeful we will find the right boat for where we will be and what we will be doing. I have to believe that. Wow...I am totally going off of the op but those who have responded here make it easy for me to be transparent.

Thank you so much Ann~ I apologize for the novel

Oh and yes, I believe storage space ranks very high on my list!
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