[QUOTE=svmariane;3129969]Well, as my Dad would say, taking something without paying for it makes you a thief. Even if it's just scrambling over a stone wall and picking a few apples from an orchard. Maybe nobody sees you - maybe somebody does.
Either you're a thief, or you're not. If a person is a thief then why would anybody else trust them with anything? Now what kind of reputation do you want to have, out there in the world?
I went back to the orchard, to their roadside stand, and bought a small basket of apples. Handed two back and told the girl that I'd already sampled a couple from the orchard. ] (end Quote)
Oh I am going to get beaten over this one, but I hope not.
Might open a can of worms, depending on which side of the coin you choose to stand.
Stealing is not so easy judged. Stealing without owner's consent is not always prosecutable, not alwas illegally and is not always even a sin!
Stealing something in desperation is many a time excusable- whether we agree to it or like it or not.
In terms of the principle in law "de minimus non curat lex" determines that the law does not take cognizance of trivial matters.
Even in the given example the bible does not equate that a sin as Deut.23:24-25 fully allows taking of fruit without consent and declare it not a sin. Even in Ruth it is said that the owner when harvesting are not allowed to pick up any dropped harvest and must leave it to be collected by others.
Thus nothing in life is always as clear cut and dry as one may believe.
Around these principles other matters are arranged.
I do not say what was done was either right nor wrong. What I do say is that we should be slower to judge.
On the surface it looks apprehending but be cautious of being the tax collector who prayed " thank you God I am not like this man".
fuel dock's primary cause of existence is
income generation through
fuel sales. Overnight
docking is not. Using electricity etc and not paying is thus questionable but they can be friendly as be, or as
new boat as possible, we don't know their personal circumstances. An
emergency may or may not have happened overnight - but their (possible illegal) conduct sets a dangerous trap for everyone who may jump in and judge precariously . It is not our fight, it is not of our loss, but what me might be quilty of, is judging in a matter not for our calling.