01-05-2020, 11:36
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Re: Dock and Dash
Originally Posted by Ken Pole
I am constantly amazed at how some boatowners, having spent significant sums on buying their vessels, nickel-and-dime just about everything from that point on. But, again maybe that's how they can afford bigger boats?
It’s just how some people are. I’ve seen a guy in an over million dollar Sportfish pull up to a fuel dock, take his trash and throw it away, take their courtesy car and go into town, then upon returning got into his boat and left without buying any fuel. Fuel dock people were pissed, let me tell you.
The arrogance of some is astonishing.
I was coming into Lake Worth’s entrance the other day and met a Sportfish coming out on my side of the channel and running about 10 or 12 kts, right at the speed he made the biggest wake, I called on the radio, which he didn’t answer, he had no AIS and as they went by they didn’t even look over, I turned into his wake so no damage but it broke over the bow. I got on the radio and cussed him out referencing the size of his male member.
My Wife says they just don’t know any better, but I know better, no one is so stupid that they don’t know the size of their wake, and what speed it takes to really roll the biggest, which is wasteful fuel wise of course.
01-05-2020, 11:46
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Re: Dock and Dash
I watched a pair of boats do this one evening. They came in about 10 minutes after the gas dock had closed. Unfortunately for them, they were closed, but not gone for the night. LOL!!!!
They charged them for the stay.
01-05-2020, 13:13
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Re: Dock and Dash
Well, as my Dad would say, taking something without paying for it makes you a thief. Even if it's just scrambling over a stone wall and picking a few apples from an orchard. Maybe nobody sees you - maybe somebody does.
Either you're a thief, or you're not. If a person is a thief then why would anybody else trust them with anything? Now what kind of reputation do you want to have, out there in the world?
I went back to the orchard, to their roadside stand, and bought a small basket of apples. Handed two back and told the girl that I'd already sampled a couple from the orchard.
That's my two shillings worth of comment.
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01-05-2020, 13:49
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Dock and Dash
I had to tie to a slip in Fairhaven Mass when a shaft drive coupling failed.
I asked the yard manager if they wanted the repair job. They were too busy and it was too small for them.
They were not open for transients. The manager told me to fix it and get out of there.
I did, and did.
Thanks DN Kelley now part of Fairhaven Shipyard.
01-05-2020, 14:24
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Re: Dock and Dash
We frequently see this at the Exuma Park moorings except at the Park HQ.
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01-05-2020, 14:58
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Re: Dock and Dash
I've done it twice.
Once in BVI, out FAR later than allowed (contract says sunup to sundown), picked up a mooring way after dark. Went ashore, looked around, no one to pay. Went in the next morning, same deal. Had to have the boat back to the charter company (last night out). Sucked. The worst part is wasting the better part of an hour trying to pay!
Second, a local marina (only one in that area, and no where to anchor). Coming in around 5:30, started calling the VHF, no dice. Called the phone number, they passed us to the dock, no answer. So we tie up -- and find it closed at 5:00 PM. Went in to the shore part, even had dinner at their restaurant, but no one (including the manager) knew anything about the dock. Come 8:00 AM, we were ready to leave, but no one around. No idea when they open. So we left.
The "call back later and pay" option didn't cross our mind, but that's a good idea for the future.
So we look just like the crowd that do it as a game. Just like the boat that pulled in around 6, was gone before we woke up. And I still feel slimy.
01-05-2020, 15:05
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Re: Dock and Dash
Nothing a webcam, sign and phone number/drop box/payment site can't fix. This happens, marinas understand it happens, and they can (and do) provide an easy remedy. A simple sign mentioning that all vessels are videoed and logged as they arrive, with a website for payment would solve 99% of the problems.
As mentioned, it's a small world. Marinas work together and it would only take a minute to post a pic of the violator for all marina operators. Shame can work wonders.
Alternatively, hiring one of the locals to do a walkthrough and take payment every night just before dark would also do it.
01-05-2020, 16:46
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Re: Dock and Dash
Alan Smith:
There is never an excuse or justification for bad behavior.
01-05-2020, 17:10
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Re: Dock and Dash
Up here there's a marina that takes your name and address and sends a bill. But only if the dock-walker records your presence. We were advised, by the office staff (also the dock-walker), that if we timed things right we could come in and stay for 23 hours, no charge. Or, if we timed things wrong we could stay for 10 minutes and get a full day's charge. They didn't/wouldn't take our word for when we tied up and when we planned to leave, the only official document is the dock-walker's clipboard.
01-05-2020, 19:47
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Re: Dock and Dash
Originally Posted by wsmurdoch
Dockage at Albany Marina outside Nassau in the Bahamas is $9.00 per foot per day plus a $500 per day "resort charge".
I guess I won't be going there!
01-05-2020, 21:51
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Re: Dock and Dash
I was at a car race a few years ago. Crowd around a Ferrari and someone asked about this little air pump he had. Said he took it from the loaner they gave him at his last service. So low life’s are everywhere
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02-05-2020, 20:32
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Re: Dock and Dash
Originally Posted by Adiona
Before we assume they stiffed the marina consider this. We had a 44 ft trawler and have frequently had to leave very early before the marina opened to get to our next location safely. We either left our card number with the marina office the day before and they charged us by what we used or we called back after they opened with our credit card. So you never know.
Originally Posted by Mike Cunningham
Do you know that the trawler people didn't make arrangements and pay over the phone or online beforehand?
They didn’t pay.
Originally Posted by Nahbrown
No payment was made, I asked. The manager was disgusted but said it happens from time to time.
02-05-2020, 21:46
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Re: Dock and Dash
Originally Posted by slug
Marinas are funny
It’s not possible to call in , reserve a berth and prepay with a credit card
You must pay at the office
As a result when doing a rapid stop and go on delivery it is impossible to pay in the morning
I never understood this
I think it is because so many of them make so little money, the extra cost of taking credit cards eats into their bottom line. I think it costs the business about 3% for every transaction.
I know here in Canada one of the biggest barriers to docks and marina is Government red tape, it so expensive, by the time you have all the studies done they ask for, it would take you 20 years to pay that off before you start making any profit.
02-05-2020, 23:14
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Re: Dock and Dash
Originally Posted by Nahbrown
The staff here leaves at 5 and returns in the morning and wouldn’t ya know it... the trawler was gone before they arrived. They got free dockage, water and 50 amp service for the night , then dashed. I guess 1.25 a foot wasn’t cheap enough.
I've done something like that fairly often. I'm really an offshore guy but when I'm running the AICW or Mobile River or the Hudson I run long days and often into the dark with radar zoomed way in. Crew stand watch during the day and I go as long as I can. I've never stopped at a private dock but I've sure thought about it. Lots of marinas though. There are stretches of inland waterway where anchoring isn't an option and I'm trying to make miles for my customers. Can't really plan ahead for a stop because I'm not sure how long I can go. I ALWAYS call back the next day and tell the marina when I arrived and when I left. At least 2/3 tell me it's fine and ask me to keep them in mind. The rest take payment and are happy to have been called.
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02-05-2020, 23:49
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Re: Dock and Dash
Avoiding paying moorage at the state park at Ayala Cove on Angel Island is not uncommon. ... Sailors are often cheapstakes.
Kar-KEEN-ez Koot
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