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Old 14-08-2012, 06:21   #106
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

You know, this thread keeps going down empty rabbit holes. It isn't about rich, crime, poop, freedom, regulations, etc. It's about dirty derelict abandoned boats.

So does anyone have any ideas to address this?

PS - I don't believe input from SE Asia by someone making connections to the topic of "bombing little brown people" is very useful addressing the topic. So there I bit you!
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
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Old 14-08-2012, 07:15   #107
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

Dear Don, It is always about the money honey. As far as me living in SE Asia it is neither here nor there as I have had the pleasure to live anywhere I chose.
As far as derelict boats goes....What constitutes a derelict boat?
Is it occupied, sinking, paint on hull does not match the sails, does it have sails, engine, oars, required safety gear? Is there a consistent definition of what this "derelict" means? Or is it just an eyesore, parked forever in a nice spot? Frankly, I do believe that currently you have an eccentric older gentleman with a yacht who is anchored in a environmentally sensitive area.....(In Florida)........(quite by accident) whose vessel looks a bit shoddy to me....however, he seems to have the means to thumb his nose at the "powers that be".
Naive as you pretend to be, you know full well one can do absolutely anything anytime and anywhere with a sufficient bank account. All the vaunted politicians, law enforcement, judges, would be lining up to do their bidding.
As far as bombing the already stone age people further back into the stone age...if the US would spend a fraction of that money in their own land you might....might have a country worth living in. Wow....just programs that would actually help people. Public toilets in your cities.....mental health care for the street folk, food, medical care....the list goes on but guys boarder on the inhuman side of things. So while you think it is just about derelict you slide into 2nd world status and some places third world...looking at you Detroit...keep up with the your way of doing things.....a brilliant outcome is assured.......
oh btw armed guards over here are the "must have" accessory for all the non brown people. Soon enough you will need them over there...even for the "little people".
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Old 14-08-2012, 07:43   #108
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

you guys forget that most of the homeless are veterans of foreign wars and other psychiatric cases unable to be interred into a psych hospital, the likes of which were shot down by various forces of wealthy souls, politicos, who owned interest in psychiatric board and care homes--nancy reagan was one of these owners. there have been added to this number a bunch of folks who used to have real white collar jobs and lives.
there is really no place in which to house these individuals, many of whom dislike residing near others,and prefer to be left alone. they live in teepees in desert, and in small boats.seems everyone is usually happy with this situation until one breaks loose from an anchor or mooring.
doesnt matter if this happens in kali or in fla. or mexico . or anywhere.
there is truly no where to place these individuals.
if one has a boat, let that soul survive without your noise at them.
there but for fortune, these days is the norm--txes rise for lower incone, and decrease for the supremely wealthy. doesnt make sense.
anyone who truly believes he or she is immune to the situation happening to him or her-homelessness--needs to do something more positive in their lives to actually avoid this situation. it will not get better.
how many of those less fortunate than you have you helped lately--is important to give some kind of assistance--not necessarily monetary assistance- to those who are in need of assistance--direct them toward the services available, help relocate a stuck boat, mebbe donate foods when you cook too much--something positive.
just because your ssi or ssdi is able to help you buy a boat, it may not be enough for another soul who is trying -- or is in throes of giving up trying--to help self.
remember--there are even grown up former working folks--real estate sales folks, engineers, all kinds of individuals in this day and age becoming homeless. the arket sucks.
we began with only veterans of foreign wars being rendered homeless by powers that be--and we have added many other kinds of veterans to this mess---many of whom had white collar jobs and lives.
THERE BUT FOR FORTUNE GO YOU AND I---- is truth. judge not lest thee be judged--or, worse yet--become one of those you look down more than possible these days.

is there a solution???? not that anyone will cop to -- remember, when weather turns a lil bit warm, homeless shelters are closed--doesnt matter if it is raining. many places with shelters close their shelters in february,and they remain closed until december. homeless shelters are not the answer.
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Old 14-08-2012, 07:53   #109
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

WOW! I almost got a headache trying to follow this thread. Duuuuh! How did we go from derelicts to wars to government conspiracies?

By the way Don - Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

How about some tripe -
Kennedy was killed by the mafia
Obama is a muslim/jew/heretic/atheist/What did I forget?
The bankers control the world
The vietnam war started because Boeing needed some orders
Judge Crater was abducted by aliens
Britney Spears is an alien
It is all a conspiracy (what? - anything)

"They" are watching you

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Old 14-08-2012, 09:39   #110
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

who is bespeaking governmental conspiracies----i musta missed that bit....
but--the aliens did it all.......
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Old 14-08-2012, 10:03   #111
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

I think we should set up an exchange program where we trade cry babies who feel they have a right of entitlement for honest hard working people wiling to contribute to the good of society making it a better place for everyone to live. So...Mai pen rai buddy.
A very good suggestion....though the country might be more than half-empty for a while. People do best in was unfettered and non-parasitic free enterprise that made the USA, not state nannyism and stifling regulations. It is the destruction of it that has brought you to your knees, and spawned the growing numbers of the destitute in the middle of affluence. The ptb long ago decided to destroy the middle class, because they were a big threat.....they were not greedy and selfish and dishonest enough to subvert with illgotten gains, too hardworking to become dependent on handouts, and too wise and informed and courageous to simply lay back and let it all happen to them. The passive sheeple of today permit massive theft disguised as fees and taxes, and a lone gunman can walk into a crowd of hundreds and shoot them down one by one without anyone risking a finger to stop him. Just the kind of immobilised unthinking dupes a global tyranny needs. Just drink the coolaid and believe what we tell you....conform to the crowd, float with the stream like a dead fish. There is enough disinformation out there to hide the "conspiracies" in plain sight.

Sorry to hear about your pen running dry, btw.
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Old 14-08-2012, 10:08   #112
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

How can some of you even sail in a straight line? Ziggy Ziggy Zag.

Anyhow, the keel fell off my Hunter (again, argghhh!) so I have some time on my hands.

We don't have derelict boats up here. But I would assume you address the problem as you would derelict homes, with the effort of a community. Bums, vagrants and petty criminals don't like to hang around communities that form associations.
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Old 14-08-2012, 10:31   #113
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

The problem with actually removing derelict boats is of course money. Whos going to pay to have the boat hauled, chopped up and dumped. Its all money. Most cities and towns are scraping by trying to pay the police and fire and keep the water running. There just isn't much money to pay for removing derelict boats.

As to the liveaboards with less then Bristol boats, They like me, don't have lots O cash laying around for that new refit. So who's going to pay for the group home, etc when the folks are kicked of their boats. Prisons are not cheep either and are overcrowded. Kick the people off the boats and you just have more homeless running around.

Many of the people in places such as Richardson bay for example are living as best they can. Most are not druggies, just average folk really.. Many have a part time job but can't afford the rents and utilities a land based life requires. Many actually are quite independent people and are not looking for handouts.

Yes there are some druggies there too,as there are on most streets in America. Not to mention yacht clubs..

As to the house boats pulled by jon boats. Seen a few of those too. Just people living as best they can in hard times. Its not a crime btw. At most its an annoyance. Hardly worth loosing sleep over now is it..

Compassion for others seems to be something being lost in this day and age... I still give handouts to the homeless even though I'm only a step or two about that myself. How many here do the same....
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Old 14-08-2012, 10:42   #114
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

Matt 24:12 and context. No surprise, what's happening now.

When it's the bums and criminals' associations that are running the whole show, it's the rest that don't want to hang around....
Ps 139:9-10 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
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Old 14-08-2012, 10:55   #115
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

Twotimer I hope you feel better now that you've vented your spleen. I don't own waterfront property, wish I could afford it. It was only an example of what does happen here. But you prove better than I could. It is people like you who are causing the problems. Your lack of respect for people and their property, that screw everyone attitude is the reason that more and more laws are passed and honest cruisers are paying for it.
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Old 14-08-2012, 11:42   #116
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

Originally Posted by tager View Post
There's always a movement afoot to curtail freedom.

We live in a medieval fiefdom, people don't like liveaboards because they don't pay tribute to the king. Of course people complain about the way their vessels look, or their unkempt appearance, etc.

This is what free people look like. Not rat-racers.
I see you have access to the GOOD stuff..

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Old 14-08-2012, 12:40   #117
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

Originally Posted by carstenb View Post

By the way Don - Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.
I'm not paranoid - yet! But I think you are probably right that they are in fact out to get me. Now if I was only sure of who THEY were maybe I could come up with a plan.

For now I'll just just have to settle with keeping my boat clean and picked up so it isn't a floating junk yard. Then again, maybe that just gets the attention of some of the other THEYs!

Wonder where I put that manifesto
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
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Old 14-08-2012, 12:58   #118
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

This may sound unrelated, but i assure you it isnt,, It all boils down to self interest and what we will do to protect it.
The Comedian Robin Williams Had a great suggestion (best i have ever heard)That all Politicians should be forced to be like Nascar drivers and wear uniforms which have those who Sponsor them clearly printed on the outside.
Then you will see why the vote went the way it did, and why your voice is being ignored in your home state or country.

Globalism and the damage it has caused,and the Collapse of the "Made in America" theme seem to be the amongst the root causes of Poverty as far as i can see.
We should be like Iceland and Fight back and regain control of our economies, they are doing fine now, thank you very much.

Most of us came from a time where we or our parents could support a family of five on the income from one parents wages.
The collapse takes time my friends, you are only seeing the beginning effects now, just wait thirty more years with the present attitude of self interest and greed, and your children will be surely Living the "Mad Max" theme for real. God Help Us All!!!!!!
"The Truth Shall set you Free....But First it will Piss You Off"
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Old 14-08-2012, 12:58   #119
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

Originally Posted by carstenb View Post
Obama is a muslim/jew/heretic/atheist/What did I forget?
Kenyan extremist socialist who's going to take your guns

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Old 14-08-2012, 13:52   #120
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Re: Derelicts and Live Aboard Hulks

Originally Posted by Nemo55 View Post

Most of us came from a time where we or our parents could support a family of five on the income from one parents wages...........
I really wonder how much of this is as a result of the perceived "need" of a family as compared to the actual real need.

I can only relate to my two kids, both married, one with 3 kids at home and the other with one. Both mothers are stay at home mom's, both of which earned more than their husbands in their professional careers they took a break from. Neither is going back until all the kids are in school. Both families own their own homes, drive newer or new vehicles that are paid for, and do not live ostentatiously. Oh, and both have no debt. None, other than a mortgage.

They also choose not to go on expensive holidays (they go camping instead), grow their own veggies, my son goes hunting which supplements meat, and don't give a hoot about keeping up with the neighbors.

Choices they make.

If they can structure their lives that way, many, many, many others could. However, there is a view of entitlement that still exists, including an entitlement to the 'good life', as opposed living a right life. When did children become so unimportant that they are warehoused in babysitting facilities until they can go to school because mommy needs a new whatever?

I recognize that some families require two incomes. But that requirement is far less than popular opinion suggests it is.

Control debt, control expenditures, and many of those who would rather ditch their kids too could provide those kids with a quality family, especially in those early years.

It is what I grew up as, my kids did, and I am so appreciative that all my grandkids get that benefit.
If your attitude resembles the south end of a bull heading north, it's time to turn around.
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