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Old 10-11-2018, 13:34   #61
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Re: Check your insurance may not be fully covered!

Originally Posted by Jcolman View Post
I already got a bill for $325 for that which the insurance did accept.
That gives a little more insight into their thinking. They are accepting of paying the labor cost and potentially the material costs of the salvage. They just don't feel that the piling damage after the storm fits into their salvage liability. Certainly a little more complex than just saying you are on your own. They could perhaps look at this as the piling was part of recovering the marinas property, so they are not liable. Your boat being on top of it was an act of God , i.e. a hurricane result.
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Old 10-11-2018, 13:36   #62
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Re: Check your insurance may not be fully covered!

If your tender is not covered as a separate boat and is instead listed on your main boat policy, you are only covered when traveling between the boat and the dock. Use of the tender for sightseeing, swimming, diving and fishing is not covered and you are responsible for all liability and damage to your tender. Even many agents are unaware of this and I only learned of this in conversation with a retired insurance broker with over 40 years experience.
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Old 10-11-2018, 14:48   #63

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Re: Check your insurance may not be fully covered!

"A big difference between [insurers] Yes.
And while they can't and don't compete with home+car policies, the nice folks at IMIS will be glad to explain the differences in specific policies, and how the cheap home insurance companies usually are omitting things.

As to paying to some things but not for a marina, if my car skids out of a corner and smashes a parked car halfway through the living room of the house behind it, my insurer would pay for the damage to the car, and the wall, but not for the price of extrication to remove the wreck and prop up the roof beams while that was happening? Or, they wouldn't pay for the fire hydrant that got snapped off on the way? Or maybe, they'd pay for the hydrant, but not the cost of fixing the ware main that came up with it?

Eh, based on past experience, a call to the insurance commission, a call back to an insurance executive (not the front-line newbs on the phone), and the words "The insurance commission told me that under regulation xyz you are required to...within 30 days...with interest and penalties afterwards. Would you like their number so you can speak to them directly?" Amazing how it works when they know they can't just blow smoke.

It also helps when you record your calls (cell phone apps) so that when the insurer says "Oh, we would have never said that" you can ask "Do you want to hear the tape?". Amazing how reality aligns with what you remembered when they hear that.

As to Progressive...Five or ten years ago I called them because I needed agreed-value coverage on a collectible car. While we're chatting (the agent was a fan of the car) he mentions to me, you know, in the policy it will actually say "agreed value or market value, which ever is lower" so if they think they can find something similar for less, that's all they are going to pay. Sneaky SOBs, yes? Charging a premium based on an agreed value, and then saying, well, maybe we can find something similar (collectible cars are never identical) and duck out with that.

The only way to really win, is to start your own company.
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Old 10-11-2018, 15:07   #64

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Re: Check your insurance may not be fully covered!

I think the Achilles heel in this particular case might be tge fact the boat owner was asked "do you want us to do this?" and said yes.

Not saying it was a mistake

nor that the insurance should not be required to pay, I do.

But technically, calling the company first, or just letting chips fall where they may, as if not present,

might have been more "straightforward" path from the insurance POV.
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