We're trying to get a 5 pound small package of birthday gifts to cruising pals in
Grenada - DHL & FedEx cost more than the gifts and they'd have to pay hefty
The friends are Chris & Sandra on the UK flagged s/v Deep Blue in Port Louie Marina, St Georges,
Grenada. These are the folks you may have read about who were assaulted last month in the
Tobago Keys (they are on the mend and we wanted to cheer them up.)
We are Katherine and Craig Briggs, Past President of SSCA on s/v Sangaris. If you flying in the next weeks to Grenada from anywhere in the US and can help out we would send you the package (unwrapped for security) and you could simply drop it at the marina - or better, make the acquaintance of the super fellow sailors.
Please reply off line to us at