I extend my deepest sympathies to all you snowbound discontents. Sailing has been really nice this past week here in Oak Harbor, Wa. Life can be beautiful.
I've heard this term "snow" that you Yankees use but I'm not familiar with it.
It was a little chilly here today, clear blue skys with temps in the mid seventies.
Retired from Hopkins-Carter Marine Supplies
My launch date is in 2 weeks! Now last Wed it was 50 degrees and sunny and I got my shaft back together, but decided to put off some other work because it was still early. But now it is freak-in SNOWING again and it is piling all up.
Whaaa whaa.... Here's what it looks like in our cruising grounds. Water starts just beyond the tall grass. Land mass in the distance (the Sleeping Giant) is 15 nm away. Ice and snow as far as the eye can see. Won't see open water for a while yet ...
Boat: Now we need to get her to Louisiana !! she's ours
Posts: 3,421
Re: boat launch & snow
Yea, ya gotta hate this funny weather! had 3 days of 70+ weather, and to day 47! Nasty! I had to wear cotton gloves just to sand a little! Sure hope our real spring weather get's here soon ! ( all my shorts are clean and ready!) Got get back to 70 so I can gloss up my little bit of bright work! O well if it stays cold like this we will just go catch some tuna !