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Old 28-10-2024, 10:09   #16
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

1) Go visit marinas in all of the locations mentioned above
2) select the location you like best
3) look at the boats for sale there and find the one that’s best for you
4) get it surveyed (inspected)
5) if everything checks out, buy it.
6) live on it, at the marina, getting your neighbors and the local journeymen to teach you about the boat, and sailing instructors to take you out on the boat
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Old 28-10-2024, 12:35   #17
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

Ah, the old joke, and only you know the answer:
How long does it take for the average person to become a sailor?
The average person Never becomes a sailor.
Home Port? Forward!
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Old 28-10-2024, 12:37   #18
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

I'm 75, and still sailing.
You haven't told us where you are now. If there is a lake or bay near you, you can start now. Time on the water can be a good thing in your life, on so many levels.

Are there sailing lessons available where you live? That would be a good start.
Look into marinas close enough so you could use a boat for day sails. I would say an hour's drive, maximum.

If the above possible for you, I would suggest that you get some basic sailing skills, then buy a 20 foot trailer boat, with a swing keel. Moor it in a marina with similar boats for the sailing season, and store it on the trailer in winter.
As long as you keep your head out of the way if the boom swings across unexpectedly, and you stay in deepish water, with basic sailing and navigation skills, you can learn a lot in a short time. If you're in a marina with similar boats, you'll have a sailing community. (Beware of 'my way is the only way' syndrome from fellow boaters. We are an opinionated group. Don't spend time and money on anything unless you really need it)

You can sail, with very little effort on roller furling jib alone! Don't be afraid to motor sail if you need to get in before dark, or it's just time to be anchored for lunch.

The real sailors on the list may have things to say about this, but a masthead rig with a 110 to 145% genoa jib, and roller furling, can be sailed on jib alone. That's what I have done most of the time for over 40 years, if destination is not important.
Just to get out, for a day sail, or for a distance if there's enough wind.

At 75, I just want to get out there, go from point A to point B, and enjoy it.
I roll out the jib, put on the auto pilot, and sit back and relax. I won't win any races, but the boat points high enough to tack upwind.

You can do everything from the cockpit; roll out the sail, roll in some sail if there's more wind, roll in the sail when you're done for the day.
Of course, you do have to be prepared to go forward and deal with things, when something goes wrong. With a properly installed roller furler, that seldom happens.
(I an a big fan of no swivel furlers, like the CDI)
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Old 28-10-2024, 12:55   #19
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Thumbs up Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

Originally Posted by damage98 View Post
Thank you all for the thoughtful responses. I will definitely be keeping an 'exit strategy'. I will keep my Nova Scotia home and be based out of there in the summers. Still dreaming...
Thanks again for the encouragement.
Very wise. Home holds its value but boats depreciate.

One bonus of liveaboard life is climbing in and out of boats being good excercise + if you don't have a car with you, lots of walking with back-packs.

I bought my first boat aged 71, a 45ft ketch, never even had a dinghy before that. We sailed across Tasman Sea aged 73 with 2 sailor friends and again on a friends yacht when aged 74.
Next week, aged 84, we fly from NZ to rejoin the boat for a 6 weeks holiday in a warm healthy marina environment.
Wishing you good health, new friends, and boat maintenance skills.
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Old 28-10-2024, 12:57   #20
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

[QUOTE=damage98;3942002]Hi there

I want to sell a property, buy a sailboat, and live on it. I've never owned a boat and only sailed a couple times.
How realistic is it to buy a boat, and live on it while learning to sail and work on it? Is Florida the best place? Mexico? Panama?

Mexico always seems to have some nice liveaboard boats for sale at decent prices. Check yacht world.

Here is an old Bristol avail for $40K.

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Old 28-10-2024, 13:02   #21
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

Wow, lots of questions. You're not too old - yet. Stay healthy and fit and if it's in five years, you'll be fine. I grew up and learned to sail in Hawaii where we have strong trade winds and open ocean conditions, coral reefs, etc - it prepares you to sail anywhere. Being somewhere where you have access the the ocean is best if your intend to cross oceans. Wherever there are other boats and sailors, there will be resources - there is no ideal place. Don't limit yourself to highly populated centers (marina, boat yard, etc.) - you will be on a boat and can travel to what you need.
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Old 28-10-2024, 15:03   #22
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

OK it's a motorboat but still, a fun article
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Old 28-10-2024, 15:10   #23
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

Originally Posted by GerryL View Post
We sail the area from Rockland towards Lubec, exploring many islands and anchorages. I don't know if we'll ever go further, but it's early. My wife just joined me in retirement, and we're not tired of Maine. I don't think one could ever be; it is fantastic.
Sorry, off-topic, but if you've enjoyed Maine you might want to consider Nova Scotia. No lobstering on the Atlantic Coast in the summer! Beautiful anchorages and small towns.
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Old 29-10-2024, 12:57   #24
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

I did it at 63. I am 70 now. Still living aboard.
I didn't sell the flat at first, but I am just about to put it on the market.
I started with a vintage Endurance 37, which I have made very comfortable and which my wife and I have sailed extensively in southern and eastern England.

Wife is much younger and has different aspirations. So the old Endurance is currently her liveaboard at Cowes while studies gets another degree. I have bought a Catalac 9 am am off to the French canals and the med, sailing solo. It's an easy single-hander...the Endurance is way too heavy and serious to take solo.

Hopefully we will resurrect our transatlantic plans, although as I age I think I am content to sail and cruise the easygoing Catalac.

So I guess solo or crewed is a big influence on boat choice. Also where and how you will sail. Ocean passages are hard.. I don't have the stamina for continuous 4 hour watches on little sleep. Plus boat motion is tiring, aging legs cramp up, and you occasionally get knocked about.

If you just want to stay in a marina, with the odd weekend trip, then get something with great accommodation.
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Old 29-10-2024, 16:07   #25
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

I just turned 60, have had a sail boat in Mexico for 8 years now and will be commuting down for about two more until I retire. I then plan on ~6 months a year cruising Mexico during the winter.
Just wanted you to know that most of my boat friends down here are at least 10 years or more older and they are having a time sailing and adventuring around.
What you are looking to do is very achievable. And if you find the right boat at a decent price and can do some of the work yourself I would highly recommend giving it some serious consideration.
I've seen a lot of good buys lately in Maine BTW.

Good Luck
Ken SV Azul
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Old 29-10-2024, 16:39   #26
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

Just saw this boat posted here. Not in Canada though - long way away...

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Old 30-10-2024, 06:55   #27
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Re: Becoming a sailor at 6x years old?

I have just spent the past 13 years cruising around the world. 65,000 MILES.
NOW 80.
Used Find a crew. An Australian site. I had a lot of knowledge from racing and cruising. I had several trying cruising. If you have not sailed much and have an interest, go online and register with your knowledge at present and what you wish to do.
Many are asking for crew and would appreciate help from someone who is keen.
You will gain knowledge and also after a few months know if this is the life you want. Try it first.
Too many start with thinking it is easy and for them only to give up and abandon their boat somewhere around the world.
It is a great life, but only for those who love it.
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