I contacted Tesla and they have confirmed that the reports of a Tesla Sat
phone are bogus. I became excited with the prospect of being able to have a Starlink smartphone that I could use for
work from my sailing vessel. I unfortunately let my enthusiasm for this new communication method while sailing to cloud my better judgement. A fellow
member on this forum suggested that I should not fall for click bait on the
internet. I owe this person a big apology. I should not have so easily dismissed this comment. For that I am very sorry. The members words though did not fall on deaf ears. I reached out directly to Tesla to see if they were indeed working on a Starlink connected smartphone. Again I was so wishing this would be true for enhancing my
boating experience. Well the reality is I was suckered in by absolute click bait. Tesla wrote to me with the following.
"Dear Chaya,
Unfortunately, we have to inform you Tesla Pi
phone is not our product.
Additional information regarding our offer you can find on the Tesla website:
Kind regards,