Originally Posted by Tim R.
I have found that screens and Deet are the only things that work.
A note on Deet, it is harmful to some plastics so you are much better off rubbing it on than spraying. Less wasteful too. We have a rule on our boat that Deet does not get sprayed. I have seen it melt Goretex and cloud Eisenglass.
But it is OK to use it on our skin...
Simply because our skin replenishes itself and we have a decent immune system ?
If so; ironically, it is the same immune system that makes us annoyed of mosquitoes. We don't even feel the bite, and in fact, there is no harm of being bitten by a regular mosquito, but we feel the effects caused by our immune system like itching, swelling etc.
Try to use "wind" where applicable. You won't find mosquitoes where there is certain amount of
wind present. A small fan blowing air in your
cockpit towards your feet will keep your feet free from them.
We grow a pot (or two) of basil and keep it in our
cockpit and below
deck. (Like these:
Fesle ) The smell drives them away. Touch it with your hands and the scent is on your hands now. Rub your hands on to your arms etc and it really helps.
For indoors, the
electric heated tablets or vaporized liquid form of it, Raid etc. work well for us. Although I'm almost sure they are harmful to us as well. (Remember those very old US commercials where people were DDT swimming in pools, to show that DDT wasn't harmful)
We have lots of them here in
Turkey and somehow they all know where I'm at all times... Of our
family of four, they seem to like only me. I really am annoyed with them and made an extensive
research on the net to find why they bite me but not the wife or the
kids. There is no conclusive result as to why they prefer to bite someone but not the others. No definitive relation between gender, blood type and blood contents, body heat, body smell, color of clothes, age etc.
The only fact is that; only the female mosquitoes bite and they do it to be able to reproduce.
Research is still going on.