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Old 16-08-2010, 19:25   #91
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I was going to edit my last post and remove some of SYL's quoted post to be more of a purist and save the www like virtual vagabond. But then I couldn't decide what to delete. Anyway, I'm longwinded so it just makes me consistent.
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:31   #92
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Keep the house!

Originally Posted by NotJustDreaming View Post
How many of you cruisers keep the house? How many of you cruisers sell everything?

Certainly selling the house cuts down on alot of headaches related to renting. Not sure I can sever that big land tie though. Does this mean I'm not really serious about cruising? I wonder.

Sorry everybody... I'm here because I don't have anyone to bounce this off of. (And husbands away for G8/G20 support - and I've had two glasses of wine!)

Your thoughts?

You have the house paid off and you should keep it. I am not sure what kind of the boat are you looking for, but right now, there are boats out here that are dirt cheap. You can even get a free boat and bring it back to life. But do not sell the house. That is you safety net. Rent it. That can be your income. With that money you can pay the slip, insurance, towing service and all the other marina related fees. You can find power or sailboat in lower 20s or upper 10s that is turnkey. Lots of wooden boats on sale. Lots of boats that are in need of cleaning and cosmetic updates, but hull and engine is good. We have done research for last 6 months, planned to save money and maybe get the boat next year or later, but after we realize that now is the buyer market, we went for it. Used my 401K savings and bought power boat, trawler. Early 2011 we are moving to the boat, leaving condo with my college daughter who will pay bills, and we'll pay the mtge for her and we'll live on the boat. We'll have to work of course, preferably work from home/boat, but in no circumstances we'll sell the condo. Always good to have something to fall back on.
Silvana & Don
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:39   #93
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Originally Posted by Sea Yawl Later View Post
We sold our home and we close on Aug 23. We are buying a smaller house that could be used as a rental later. So it looks like we will be able to cruise for a while.

Sea Yawl Later!


Congrats! You found perfect solution, we believe. We, too, sold our big house in Allen, TX and kept our little condo in Rowlett, TX so we can afford to get a boat and live on it. Early 2011 we are moving to the boat (location in VA) and starting to live a life that we always dreamed about it. We did not always know exactly what is that we were dreaming about, but when we saw this boat, we fell in love and everything became suddenly clear.

“When the tides of life turn against you and the current upsets your boat, don't waste those tears on what might have been, just lie on your back and float."
Silvana & Don
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Old 17-05-2011, 09:52   #94
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Re: Selling the House

I can. Hi Roger. As you know we have listed the boat. Not much action yet but then we aren't very motivated either. I hope to downsize in the next year or two and leave the area for good. If it doesn't happen oh well then we will just do road trips in the winter. How is your boat coming along. I have a square sail rig on the end of my dock. It's a strange bird to say the least. Hope you have a great summer. don't forget if your ever out this way again do drop in on us.
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Old 19-05-2011, 13:19   #95
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Re: Selling the House

dont sell angelique--is way tooo well set up for cruising to have to start again.. go in her. downsize???/ think share the sail with someone to help defray costs. gooood luck and quit trying to break my heart by selling your beauty. i covet the formosa 51. i HAVE the 41.
as for the house-- sell, sell , sell and hurry out to sail on seas.... is awesome out there/.
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