Great comments, and questions all, here are some clearly hypothetical answers to the questions. Note quite a few people saying go and spend it all now, or get a $500k boat! When you've spent your entire working life saving 50% of your earnings it's very difficult to spend big. In fact it's very difficult for me to make a plan that actually has me running out of cash, so ideally looking for a safe drawdown.
@Valhalla 360:
Too many unknowns:
- Is the savings in
retirement accounts? No, it's all in regular investment accounts, no penalties for withdrawing.
- How much is the Pension? Maybe $2k in 20 years time
- Is the Pension solvent? Yes
- How much is Social
Security? None
- What type of cruising do you want to do? Cruising the
Greece looks like a great place to start and then wherever we feel like next
- What else do you want to do? This has been the goal for the last 10 years. At some point my wife would want to go back to land with a small house in a low cost of living country with a garden and some
- What type of lifestyle do you expect? I'm naturally frugal but prefer to spend on a few high quality things/adventures than a bunch of smaller lesser ones. We definitely prefer
anchorages to
marinas wherever possible. Prefer to mostly cook in than eat out, and our favourite activities are just exploring new places on foot or by bicycle. The only difference would be trading paying rent for paying for a boat. Sadly I took my wife on a
lagoon 380 charter, so that's set the bar to what she wants!
1) you are approximately 58 years old and will live exactly 20 more years then croak a happy man watching the sunset somewhere over the pacific. -42
2) you are a US citizen and will receive a modest SS payment that you claim early at 62 years old -Nope not a US citizen, no social
security coming my way ever, just a
work pension, $2k/month from 62
3) you are
single and no
kids or other considerations -1 kid lives with his mom and stepdad, finishing high
school but if he can
school remote (which looks very possible, even just for periods) he will join, at least part time.
4) you are very handy and can fix stuff. -Yes, I'm known to be pretty handy when combined with
google and youtube, sadly also very good at breaking things sometimes.
5) you are healthy and fit -Yes, my familty
history on one side is full of huge obesity, heart disease and diabetes, so once I got a wake up call at 30 where the weight starting piling on and since then I changed my lifestyle completely and lived as healthy as possible. No smoking, no drinking, eating healthily, 11 years of visible abs, and I have to keep it that way otherwise the blood pressure quickly starts climbing from normal.
I'd love to be able to go now on a $30k boat, but my wife won't do a
monohull, and very likely not an old/less comfortable multi either. What's the running cost of a
lagoon 380 again...