"I’m looking to buy a sailing cat, and I’m fine with a well-surveyed home build. My requirements include
draft.html" target="_blank">shallow-IRJDSUNE9932123321222xxeww-draft and petrol outboards. Aussies make a lot of boats that suit me."
Wow!! Not many have paid attention to what the poster actually said. He wanted a circa 12 metre, well surveyed, home build with
shallow draft and petrol outboards. Firstly, being Australian and knowing the cat market here particularly well, the poster is absolutely correct. This sized boat with outboards in Australia are very good value. His spec is very specific and there are a number of brands that would meet it. The two that will be most prolific and are excellent sea boats are the Seawinds and any of Jeff Schionnings boats. Some of these are
diesel powered but both also used to, and still do, make
outboard models.
Outboard cats are not as popular (hence the lower prices) although do offer a LOT of advantages over diesels. A new set of
Honda 20 hp outboards (should I say 'clip ons') = 1 day and maybe $6,000 each - 30hp models not much more than $7,000 each. Diesels - how long and how much? The outboards are lighter = faster, they trim completely out of the
water = less drag (faster), and would compete well in
fuel burn, albeit of the more volatile
fuel. Their main legacy is smaller alternators and on some brands, not so good in reverse, but Honda's have features that offer good reverse performance. Add a couple of
solar panels and all is good. Ensure your fuel lines are kept good quality and replaced as necessary and keep an eye on the fuel system condition and petrol won't make the boat any more dangerous than any of the millions of outboard powered
survey boats throughout the world.
There are other brands here but to meet his spec, these are the two to search for. I know for a fact that Schionning has never suffered a structural problem in one of their boats from design. Both are very well designed boats. Schionnings are designed for speed and enjoy
dagger boards, zero keels =
shallow draft, a lot in the desired size will be powered by outboards and all are bullet proof. One argument is that Schionning boats are kit boats, but reality shows that anyone that bothers to build an entire boat is pretty "anal" and most if anything are over built.
Of course it would be important to get a GOOD
surveyor to check the selected boat out and they would need to be experienced in these cats designs. Why not ask the
designer himself? Jeff is still about and personally knows every boat. He also recommends that they are built in end grain balsa and
epoxy resin. The end grain balsa stops
water ingress spreading all through the
core if a leak occurs.
For what you have asked for, both these brands would be ideal, should be able to be purchased under A$200,000 if you look around and will fit the spec perfectly.
Now if we forget the spec, then most other comments are very correct. As a
rule our boats are expensive, but not the ones in question. No
import duty was paid on these!! Seawinds of this style were built in Australia but are now all built in
Vietnam. I say enjoy these brands and march forward as planned.