Couple of years ago at a
boat show during the heat of the summer the legs were getting tired so I stopped at the Pantaenius Stand, they were doing free tea. They already insure us so I asked them if they would cover a 31ft yacht doing the
ARC with husband and wife crew.
Their answer was quite interesting. Yes they would and preferred to see a husband and wife crew on a smaller more manageable yacht. The minimum value needed to be £50k but most yachts when you add extra bits for the crossing, personal items etc won't be far short. They would offer us 6 months European cover which was
cheap and 6 months US cover which is expensive. Quote was £1500 for the year for £50k of yacht which is 3%, which I didn't think was too bad for the risk.
They aren't the cheapest, their reputation is excellent
Come what may!