That's a difficult question for a boatowner to answer. I recommended my
insurance carrier in a thread recently. They've insured me here, within "The Box" for the last several years. I got an
email from my agent asking me to retract the post because they were not writing new policies on private yachts in the
Caribbean any longer.
I think the best you can do is compile a list of "possibles" and contact the brokers directly to get a quote. Anecdotal information doesn't seem to be worth much in a volatile insurance
environment. CF
member TabbyCat is an agent with a very highly regarded brokerage firm. You could start by contacting her. There's a lot in our
archives. Try a search on "caribbean insurance" using the
Google search in the small "Search" pull-down menu in the nav bar just below your username, up top.
As one point of reference, my premium has been about US$1.75 per $100
Hull Value, with a 2% deductible, 4% for named storms. I'm required to lay the
boat up ashore or in a protected location afloat during the period 1st July through 31st October.