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Old 30-08-2011, 01:16   #16
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Re: How to Store a Boat Cheaply ?

Is the boat in south Texas? If you'll be away where you can't get to it quickly during hurricane season, then you'd want to make sure that the boat is stored securely, away from a flood plain or area that would be vulnerable to most storm surges. Maybe a boatyard would give you a decent price and that would be cheaper than moving it inland. Or you might be able to rent dock space from someone with a house in a finger community and make arrangements to get the boat into a hurricane hole if danger threatens.
Pat, from the Desert Sea
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Old 30-08-2011, 05:37   #17
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Re: How to Store a Boat Cheaply ?

Originally Posted by ViribusUnitis View Post
That is a really intersting idea that I simply had not thought of. It appears to be clearly possible for just about anything a travel lift can lift and put on a trailer. (looking at some of the quotes in yachtworld for shipping companies.)

I was origionaly hoping for some sort of dry storage marina. I take it that's a no go for anything "afforadably priced"?

Thank you
I looked all around north Florida which is a relatively cheap area for boat work, marinas and such. Cheapest I could find for long term storage of a 42' sailboat was close to $300/month. That was dead storage only, no work allowed on the boat not even power to the area. Not saying you couldn't find something better but even at $200/month you have already spend $2400 in a year. More than enough to haul the boat round trip away from the yard. This is assuming the boat can be hauled under reasonably normal oversize limitations and you are no more than 50-80 miles from the yard where you would load the boat.

Another benefit for me. The closest deep water to where I live in FL is 1 1/2 hour drive. Hauling the boat to a local spot I am 15 minutes away.

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Old 30-08-2011, 05:57   #18
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Boats need to be looked after even if left on the hard. Things deteroriate over 3 years. I think you would be better off elsewise.
Skipmac's numbers sound right to me. Least expensive places might be Indiantown or Riverside in Fort Pierce. Also you should be able to find a dock for a similar rate.
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Old 30-08-2011, 07:01   #19
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Re: How to Store a Boat Cheaply ?

Originally Posted by ViribusUnitis View Post
I have to admit, it is amazing what people think is a acceptible return on investment for owning a rather small peice of land near a coast.
Buy a rather small piece of land near a coast?

I was hoping for some sort of trick, but the truck it to a peice of property sounds most reasonable.
Pretty much anything can get trucked - it's just a matter of money. For a 2 year stay ashore that would be my choice (ideally indoors or at least well protected). I would also strip all the soft furnishings (and electronics) and put them into dry storage - and lay up the Engine....want her well ventilated, but also secure from the Weather. No substitute for someone reliable going onboard regularly....
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Old 30-08-2011, 08:16   #20
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Re: How to Store a Boat Cheaply ?

If you dont actually own a piece of land yourself where you can store the boat you will probably still have to pay to store it even even away from the ocean, it will probably be cheaper though. You may want to scour the shoreline for some piece of industrial property that is underutilised where they may lease you a corner. You can have a crane lift it from the water. This is the situation where i keep my boat, the property belongs to my boat partners brother and we put in our own dock and have our own old crane for haulout, it costs us nothing as my partner cleaned up the property in exchange for the use. I think finding a place to store the boat ahead of time like you are doing may well influence the boat choice.
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Old 30-08-2011, 08:56   #21
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Re: How to Store a Boat Cheaply ?

Upon reflection, if you are looking at more 2 or 3 years of no boat use then I would look to buy something easy / simple to sell (late model, mass production) and then sail her (yourself or a paid Delivery Skipper / Crew) somewhere easy to sell......won't guarantee a top price, but at least would be far easier to sell than a boat located in a shed halfway up a foreign mountain - unless you luck onto a fella called Noah (but even he was on a budget )...........and indeed I would price her Very competitively from the getgo and be prepared to spend all those mooring charges / transport / maintanence costs in knocking lumps off the price, if needed.
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