I live in in Lancaster County, VA, on the west side of the Chesapeake Bay. Several years ago, Lancaster County removed all boattaxes. As a result, more boaters have moved here and the marina and boatyard business has significantly improved.
I live in in Lancaster County, VA, on the west side of the Chesapeake Bay. Several years ago, Lancaster County removed all boattaxes. As a result, more boaters have moved here and the marina and boatyard business has significantly improved.
Funny that.
Gaudeamus igitur iuvenes dum sumus...
.25 per $100 of assessed value in Norfolk, VA. There is essentially 0 tax if I move to marina across the river (to another town), but the logistics of getting to the boat outweigh the cost of the tax for me right now.
I am in the final stages of buying a used catamaran in the FL/Ga area. Since it is a private sale the sales tax in FL is due, but if I make the transaction in Ga there is no sales tax.
Guess I need to research the Pros/Cons of each states registration requirements and fees before I decide where to close.
Perhaps it is just easier to pay the sales tax in Florida and be done with it. Expensive but less hassle in the future maybe.
The location where you close doesn't matter for taxes/fees, where you register (ie the place you keep the boat) does. I think FL gives you 90 days to get the boat out of state.. So, in other words, you pay the sales tax where you register the boat, which is supposed to be your 'home waters'. I live in NJ, closed via mail/internet on a PA boat, and registered/kept my boat in RI.. a no tax state.
In Hawaii no sales tax on a used boat through the owner. If it's CG documented vessel then no state registration. No yearly property tax on boats at all. The monthly moorage has sales tax added on.