I sailed solo from
Houston TX to Pamlico sound NC in 2008.
Here is repost from my tread on sailnet:
I sailed most of the
Gulf of Mexico part outside, took Okeechobee waterway and continued on a waterway further north. I think I used sail and
motor equal amount of miles or close to it, so it was 50/50 sailing/motoring
I sailed first half of the trip most and motored second half of the trip most.
Here is some statistic
Trip from
Clear Lake (Houston) TX to Vandemere (Pamlico Sound) NC took 50 days
My actual distance was 1903 nautical miles
Moving average speed 4.3 knots (it was greatly improving with
motor use)
I rested 7 days (day of rest is a day when I didn’t move the boat)
In average I covered 42 n.miles in a day of moving
I overextended my
budget by 100% spending totally $1035
Expenses by category
Fuel $370 (fuel
price kept creeping up)
Marina stays 5 nights $170
Food and groceries $270 (I’m good cook and I didn’t mind making
food out of cans)
Booze and
beer $135 (I thought I was dry entire trip until I put together all receipts)
Parts/filters $90
I had liability
insurance $240/year which is not included in total of $1035 for two months.
The boat was in good shape for 30 y.o. boat.
As you could see, I didn't spend much
money for boat
maintenance during the trip, however, in my three years
ownership I've spent on a boat $4000, mostly after
purchase of the boat and I expect to spend another $4000 this
winter, and, I hope, I'll be good for another three years...
So, I'd say that $500/mo is a bit low, $700/mo is do-able, and, with $900/mo I can live as a king.
CR out
s/v Nemo - Freedom 28 Cat
Ketch centerboard