Little OT
A old man, that has a legally weapon in his house, one night burglass were entered in his garden trying to open the front door house, he shooted in the air, the burglass run away, the police take ALL his gun for 1 years as preventive measure, as it was an unsafer use of the gun to shot in the air. Everybody, on all the newspaper talked about it, the burglass came back some day later, robbed them, tied them for an intire night, stealed everything WITH a gun...still free, not yet found..and this happens every day in italy..we are not protected by police, neither you can protect by yourself, otherwise is your problem.
Last one: a tobacconist at the end of the day 2 robbers with toy weapons (without red cap, all black paint) entered and wanted the
money, ecc he take out his legally declared gun, shooted to one, as it looks they were about to shoot him, he killed him, after 3 courthouse judje,ecc the final state was: excessive defence: 10 years of jail and give 350.000 euro to the
family of the killed burglass...In italy first you get shot, you die, than it's your right defend yourself, but not too much, you could harm a good
gypsy brass-stealer with a wonderfull
family and already get to jail 10 times before being 18 years old...we should invent the "excessive robbery" law...but i doesn't exist. Far West is coming...People are full, can't resist more...
People who sell
project of home, get the offer and then disappeard, get caught by police, the money disappeard, after a day he's free, and who gavehim maybe a 50k offer for the new home under construction, has killed himself because out of money (really happens, several times)
And if you are a ice cream sellers and you OFFER FOR FREE an ice cream to an old you friend, do not get invoce (as offer)financial police, come throug, fined you 3 days closed shop, 5000 euro fined,spent another 10k in lawyer, problem and problem again. He should have gave a invoice of 0 euro to his old friend, otherwise is tax evasion if you have a shop, give something, even for free to someone without the invoice.
Or business man that has to pay 84k of
taxes a year but in that year he only earned 70k? (in italy you have to pay the years before what is expected you will earn the next year, and it must be always positive, you can't earn less than the actual year)
A welder machine maker, failed and killed himself (about 5 years ago) for this: chinise welding machine 60 euro, his italian made one 250 euro, the financial police accused him to hide money (because the next years his
income was decreasing), he failed, loose his factory, loose also his home, now i guess he's living on a rented flat with his family, working just under the table, because financial police is always looking for "their" money...This after paying over 60% of
taxes on his
income for over 30 years of working...and his 20 employee get unoccupied...
And migrants complain, burn car, ecc, bebcause they don't have WI-FI in they hospitality (mafia's 3 stars
hotel with swimming pool, payed buy us 30 euro a day, 900 euro a month, for every migrants)
Then mafia ,everywhere, millions of euros of tax payers disappearing, and no one complain...(italian governament IS mafia, is driven by it) nuclear waste under the ground, toxic waste, poisoned water spring, poisoned fruit and vegetables, polluting industry (meaning relasing toxic gas, people around that area has 50x times more cancer and tumor than thhe average country,emission thousands time above the european emission limit, governament solution: stop all the car for a day in the center of the city, so the pullution will decrease....) but it's It's all ok.
All what i wrote up on there is really happenede or is case that is happening..
Excuse me for the small ot but i guess eveverybody must know what is going on.
Italy WAS one of the greates country of world, i would have been very proud of being italian, but some times ago...I'm just sorry to do not has borned 30 years ago before when i'm really borned, and lived it...Boat i'm coming...
P.S. not not offend no one, ecc...