I find bottom paints do not do the job very well and ESPECIALLY if the boat is not constantly moving but sitting at a
mooring, on
anchor or in a slip.
Bottom paint must help... but you really need to dive and scrub the bottom regularly and that depends on the local waters. Where we are moored it means a dive once a month or the bottom is covered with little critters. I recently pulled and cleaned the speed impeller only to find that the
hull around it was so foul that it either immediately re fouled or the flow was so impeded that the speedo could no register properly. Had the bottom cleaned in late June! And so the speedo is telling me that the
bottom paint is not very effective - Trinidad.
I think perhaps the approach is to use a hard
paint every 2 yrs and spend your
money on regular... every 3 or 4 weeks on a diver.