I also can't help with any comments about the Bainbridge system, but I can certainly give a strong recommendation for the Strong Track system.
After many years of cruising and having "blown out" almost all of the
cheap white plastic sail slides we had on our standard sail
rigging on two different occasions, we installed a Strong Track system, and I've never had reason to regret that choice.
It was a snap to install, although I climbed the
mast and made sure the original track was clean as a whistle. The Strong Track "track converter" strip slid all the way up with almost no effort. The slides and batten cars are very strong and well made. Raising and lowering the
mainsail was a breeze after the
installation. We used that system during many tens of thousands of miles of cruising. Although we managed to blow out the mainsail on two occasions, the Strong Track
gear was never damaged or at fault.
It's expensive, of course, but IMO a very wise choice.