Originally Posted by nwdiver
I have been around maybe 20-25 diesel Dickenson heaters in the past 30 years here in BC and never heard of the problems you are having, I don’t get it. I know of 5 boats I can think of right now that use the bulkhead mounted diesel burner as thier primary heat source, winter and summer without problems, I think you have a lemon on your boat.
I have to agree with this comment. From what I know about Dickenson's, they need to warm up sufficiently by burning the residual pool of diesel in the bottom of the chamber that you create prior to
lighting. If not warmed up, the
fuel won't atomize and burn in its efficient state. As the fire starts to go out from lack of
fuel, you can turn the fuel back on and it will atomize as soon as it enters the
heating chamber. If you leave the fuel on, it will just burn excessive fuel and smoke a lot and be very inefficient. Without knowing your situation, I could be wrong but I have an older Dickenson Antarctic and absolutely love it. It doesn't smoke at all and really throws off the heat. You can tell if the fire is burning correctly because the flame is above the burner ring and in the middle of the superheater.
I realize this threat was a couple years old but I just stumbled across it and am new to the community.