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Old 06-08-2008, 19:09   #1
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Boat-Shipping Experiences?

Has anybody used Yacht Path International to move their boat? I need their services and their contract seems mighty strict. They screw up and too bad for you but anything happens on the way to the ship and you still pay and handsomely. I'm just looking for a little reassurance.
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Old 06-08-2008, 21:07   #2
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I don't know if I would use anybody that won't take responsibility.

How does the contract read?

"We assume no liability for any damage while the vessel is in our possesion"?
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Old 06-08-2008, 21:11   #3
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I would keep shopping around for a shipper that is willing to take responsibility for its actions. Not having to accept responsibility for damages to your boat only makes them a little more reckless. I would imagine they are not going to tell you how many damaged boats they have been able to walk away from. I'm not necessarily saying they are bad, but when they absolve themselves of being responsible for damages, then the red flag should go up.

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Old 07-01-2010, 09:49   #4
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no responsibility? what more do yu need to know?
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:52   #5
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The OP posted his inquiry almost a year and a half ago - I imagine he's dealt with this by now.

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Old 07-01-2010, 10:18   #6
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Tao Jones makes a good point but I thought I'd clarify some things. I used Yacht Path and was extremely pleased with their professionalism and that of the personnel and ship's crew during the process. Yacht Path seems to be essentially a booking agent in partnership with a shipping company. The shipping company is fully prepared and capable of doing the job. It's part of their business to move yachts but unlike Dockwise, they are regular cargo ships who dedicate their deck space to the yachts and after the yachts are delivered, they go on to their final discharge ports with their 'real' cargo.

They take responsbilitiy in the sense that you must buy insurance for the trip separate from but in addition to your regular insurance. Loss is handled the way all maritime cargo losses are handled but it IS different from how we are accustomed to in our car, home, and medical type insurances.

It is an expensive 'purchase' (shipping a boat) and always unnerving when you 'drop' a ten figure check in the mail (actually a wire transfer but you get the drift). Like so many things in cruising one must allow for the unexpected and plan your margins accordingly. It's also like many things in life where 'you buy it, you own it'. There may be all kinds of unexpected reasons why we don't meet our end of the bargain but it is unreasonable to expect that the other 'man' should have to pay for our own problems. Hence you pays your money and takes your chances. There is a significant discount for prepaying 90 and 150 days in advance that make it worthwhile. OR, you can inquire a week or to before they sail and see what the price might be for a last minute space. Those deals can be quite nice as well and probably in today's economy, more likely that a space is available. Just roll the dice!

No connection to Yacht Path, just a highly satisfied customer.

Oh, one more thing. Having been in the maritime shipping business for many years, I understand that ships run on very loose approximations of a schedule. Some container ships are scheduled but it's rare. Port, weather and cargo delays can change things significantly, be flexible. It cost me two weeks plus in a marina at $130/day marina fees (for a 40'er) that I hadn't counted on due to the ship being delayed loading cargo at a previous port and having a minor breakdown on top of that. This is the biz, it's not a 2 day guaranteed on time delivery in the world of ships.
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Old 07-01-2010, 14:18   #7
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I ended up using Yacht Path and although not cheap they were very professional and when circumstances prevented me from making my planned (and paid) sailing they gladly allowed me on the next one. It was a relief from the bandits at Port Everglades who were loading it for me and the incompetent delivery captain who got it there.
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