Originally Posted by thinwater
Tubular webbing with Amsteel threaded inside is an option
This is what we are doing.
My understanding is that UHMWPE does not necessarily need UV protection, yet many also sell the idea that the webbing does provide protection. It seems sensical.
If one goes with this idea, how do you provide UV protection at the ends?
My thinking is to use a long splice at one end, cow tagged onto a padeye and a figure 8 follow through, stopped, at the other end, also attached to a padeye.
One could tie the figure 8 with the UHMWPE sheathed in webbing, but not the splice end.
The best I could come up with would be a separate, larger tubular webbing to cover the end.
Is this even necessary? Leaving the jacklines permanently rigged does make the question more relevant, however.
Until now, we have rigged them for trips only.
Alternatively, splices both ends. Cowtag one end, soft shackle the other.