Originally Posted by Symphony
Relief Band for $75! even cheaper than what I paid years ago. it's a no brainer to get one of these, the only non Rx method approved by FDA after testing. I don't understand why the other one is so expensive. my batteries last at least a season if not two and they cost a couple of bucks each.
My wife got zero relief from ginger gum, ginger tea, ginger drink. I finished it all off over the years because I love the taste.
ginger gum, store bought ginger tea and drink have very little ginger in them...just enough to be able to put it on the label. Make the tea from the actual root add honey. make ale from the root,
recipes can be found online, or get capsules with the actual root inside...not caplets with the "active ingredient" in it. Mother nature makes it better than man ever can.
Back in the '60s the FDA spent millions to ditz Grandma. They brainwashed quite a few people all in the mane of higher profits. Grandma didn't have the
money to oppose. And her stuff didn't kill people with side effects.