This is a bit of a rant about the rules for Health/Travel
Insurance from Australian providers as applied to cruisers from
Australia. The rules seem to me to be ridiculous and I wonder whether anyone has found a more reasonable provider or worked out a way to get around the rules.
Lorraine and I are currently life aboard cruisers. We are in the
Med at the moment. We like to go back to OZ for about 2 months each year starting in November. We have bought 12 months
insurance in the past. So far so good but we have never had a claim.
However it would not be surprising if we had to return to Oz for a special short trip (say 2-3 weeks) in addition to our annual planned trip back. This could be within the contracted insurance period. There could be a
family emergency or perhaps a funeral. I have contacted 3 providers and, if we did this, the insurance policy is cancelled in all cases. There is no rebate for the unused portion and no cover for the remaining period when we are overseas again. They will not suspend the policy. If you still want insurance when you are overseas, you have to take out a new policy.
Some providers have a multi-trip policy. This doesn't
work either because the trips overseas have to be, say 45 days or less (depends on provider). Our 'trips' would be more than this. Snookered.
This puts me off getting
health insurance. I am inclined to put the insurance premium
money aside for a possible
emergency airfare to
Australia. This would cover some but not all
health possibilities. Anyone worked out an answer to get insurance cover?
Brian Rodwell