My husband and I
live aboard our sailboat in the USVI, and are having a really hard time finding any
health insurance. I have spent countless days online researching and made tons of
phone calls to figure out how to obtain coverage, to no avail.
government opted out of Obama Care, all decent international
health care providers will not cover someone living in the USVI, and all US based individual
health care providers will not cover anyone living in the USVI either! I also tried contacting DAN (Diver's Alert Network), but they won't cover us either because we live in the us
virgin islands.
We've considered using my dad's state-side address as our permanent address, but is that
legal? I know how
insurance companies are, trying to find any excuse to avoid paying, and surely they'd find out that we don't really live at that address. I'm also wondering if my
current US based life
insurance policy is just a waste of
money, since they also may refuse to pay out if they find out we are living abroad. Any help would be greatly appreciated!