Mingatt. First version I used:
Crew Questionnaire.
Name _________________________________________
Please respond to all of the following honestly. There are no right or wrong answers. This is designed to get a feeling of what you are like, match you with the most compatible time and location and address issues common to cruising.
Section 1: Select all the apply:
1. My previous sailing experience is:
_____ None
Day sailing
_____ weekend cruising
_____ coastal cruising up to ______ days
blue water cruising up to _______ days
2. Other expedition type activities I’ve done include:
_____ None
_____ RV Camping up to ______ days
_____ wilderness backpacking of _____ days
_____ canoe or
kayak trips of up to ______ days
_____ other ______________________________
Food restrictions include:
____ No red meat
____ No meat of any kind
____ No dairy
____ Other __________________________________________________ _
4. My musical tastes are:
_____ Country _____ Rock _____ Pop ______Jazz ______Classical
_____ Rap _____Other ___________________________
_____ I’d prefer no
music when cruising
Section 2. Rate the following on a scale of 1-5. 1 means disagree, 3 is neutral and 5 is strongly agree. Write N/A if it doesn’t apply or you have no idea.
1. _____. I would love to do some snorkeling on this
2. _____. I would love to do some
scuba diving on this
3. _____. I would love to spend some time at the beaches swimming.
4. _____. I’d love to spend time in the larger resorts – going to nightclubs, etc.
5. _____. I’d prefer many nights at a marina with
shower facilities, etc.
6. _____. I dream of spending most nights at deserted
7. _____. I’d like to
anchor off small villages or with other cruisers.
8. _____. I expect cruising to be like having a small house that
9. _____. I expect cruising to be like glorified camping where one can sail.
10. _____. I’d like to change locations frequently and see new places.
11. _____. I would prefer to spend several days or more in one location.
12. _____. I prefer to prepare simple
meals on the
boat most often.
13. _____. I prefer to eat out occasionally.
14. _____. I’d prefer to eat out frequently
15. _____. I can get by with a sun
shower and dip
overboard most days.
16. _____. I’d really like a real shower at least every other day.
17. _____. I’m reasonably athletic/active and physically able.
18. _____. I’m not very physical, that’s why I’m interested in sailing.
19. _____. I prefer to have my own space most of the time. I’m very private.
20. _____. I’m happy around people, but like my own space from time to time
21. _____ I’m fairly modest.
22. _____. It wouldn’t bother me too much if I was seen changing or bathing.
23. _____. I’d skinny-dip at night with someone(s) I’m comfortable with
24. _____. I dream of getting a nice all-over tan on a deserted beach or anchorage.
25. _____. I’d love to meet a captain/boat I could sail with again sometime.
26. _____. I’m looking at this as a one-time opportunity to go cruising.
27. _____. I’m hoping to learn more about sailing and cruising.
28. _____. I see this as a relaxing carefree way to just hang out someplace warm.
29. N/A I’d love to cross the
Gulf Stream and sail out of site of land.
30. _____. I’d prefer most of my sailing to be easy days in mostly protected waters.
31. _____. I smoke
31. _____. I drink occasionally
32. _____. I like to drink regularly
33. _____. I generally travel light. – a few changes of
clothing are all I need.
34. _____. I see myself as a partner and want to be involved in decision making.
35. _____. I’m just along for the ride and up for anything.
36. _____. I hope the
captain is somebody I really connect with and relate to.
37. _____. As long as we don’t fight, I don’t care about interpersonal relationships.
38. _____. I’m prone to motion sickness.
39. _____. I hope to spend a lot of time socializing with cruisers (not on this boat)
40. _____. I hope to have some quiet time to read and write.
41. _____. It’s important that I can make
phone calls at least every few days.
42. _____. I’m a good swimmer
Section 3: Please finish the following statements in 1-5 sentences:
My main reason for wanting to go on this cruise is:
When it comes to my relationship and communication with the
captain, I hope:
Any other comments or follow up on the above:
I've also used more general questions:
Crew Questions
1. Experience: What cruising or sailing experience to you have and what other outdoor experiences such kayaking, canoeing, backpacking, etc. do you have?
2 Activities: In addition to sailing, there are many other activities that can take place on this cruise. Some of these include: easy snorkeling, long snorkel swimming, beach walking, exploring small communities, hanging out in isolated places, time along to read, write, etc. Tell me which of these are most important and least important to you along with any other activities that come to mind.
Food & Drink: Some people like to go out and enjoy communities; some people prefer to cook on board. Some people like to drink alcoholic beverages much of the day, some only in the evenings, some rarely or not at all. Where do you fall in these spectrums and what food & drink needs/desires to you have?
4. Privacy Issues: A boat is a small space in which people will be living close to one another. Some people need to find alone time, some people thrive being close to others most of the time. How about you? People also react differently to this in terms of body acceptance. Some people live in swim suits, some are more modest. Some people will go to extremes to have privacy when showering in the
cockpit; others think group skinny-dipping at night is the answer. Some think this is the opportunity to get an all over tan. Where do you fall in this spectrum? What are your views about dealing with someone else who is either more conservative or more liberal with these issues?
5. Human interactions: For some people cruising is a time to get away from the
internet, phones, and have time to themselves. Other feel a need to stay connected constantly. Some want to keep the focus of a cruise with those on the boat while others prefer more time to meet other people at restaurants, etc. Where do you fall on these issues? Also what combination of
music and quiet do you like and if a music person, what kinds of music to you prefer?
6. When you think about this cruise, what do you imagine?
7. Tell me any other questions or concerns you may have.