If you have an
AIS MOB device, how have you configured it? I have my MMSI to
plug into the device for the individual call, but am wondering what others have done for the group MMSI if in the US.
My thinking is to
plug in the USCG ID 003669999; is there any reason I should use something else?
I'm setting up an OceanSignal MOB1, and the behavior varies based on country. The US includes the option to send a group call, but elsewhere an "all ships"
distress alert can be sent:
- USA: AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay call plus group call sent after 30minutes
- DE, NL, ES, GB: AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay call only
- ...
- RoW: AIS + DSC Individual Distress Relay, All Ships Distress Alert, sent once on MOB1 activation and on manual initiation