Looks like an old
Marine Service Center. I have not been to Englee. Some of these operations are fine, some not so much. I hauled in Bonavista twice, that was a mistake. I hear it has new owners and is improving. Burgeo was pretty minimal the year I passed through. Duntara however looks well run.
There are reasons I push Lewisporte.
It has decent road connections to Gander and Deerlake airports.
Marine has done a good job of sourcing materials for me.
There is a secure yard.
The club house has washer, dryer,
freezer, wash rooms with showers, a full kitchen and lounge area.
There is an active
boating community who can lend a hand or a ride.
Not the least is that the Gander
customs officials are used to dealing with foreign nationals and arrangements for protracted stays without excessive
fees. Arriving in Lewisporte is “normal.” I have had difficulty checking into Port Au Basque (from St Pierre) as it is not a port of entry. They initially told me to sail to Corner Brook. Another time I was quite threatened by a
Customs official for a missunderstanding. I weaseled out of it, but only because another official intervened. I try to avoid such uncomfortable