Years ago I had a soul destroying job which fortunately for me was over the road from the State Library. I spent my lunch times going through the "Discard Book" section where they
sold books where one or more pages had broken away from the binding. The prices were normally $2 each.
The books covered all subjects but I focused on certain sections and picked up:
- A Field Guide to Marine Birds of the World. (That is my prized possession)
- Mammals of the world
- Whales, dolphins and seals
- Cooking afloat.
- Cruising in Comfort
- Where to Cruise
- Lonely Planet travel guides for just about any country you can name.
But I also have "Dangerous
Marine Animals of the World", "First Aid Afloat", "Heavy
Weather Sailing", "Norries Nautical Tables", Hiscock books as well as Lin & Larry Pardey's books.
One book I always cherished was Steve Dashew's book "The Circumnavigators Handbook". I used to borrow it from the library but after about the fourth time I was told I couldn't take it out again as someone else wanted it. That is the last time we saw the book as the borrower went off to sea with it.
But I bought a copy off eBay just last month and was really pleased with the condition of it but I haven't really had time to look at in