Heading to Chesapeake from mouth of Savannah River. Coming in here we experienced 2-2.5 knots of southerly counter current for 75miles or more before reaching coast. Want southerly wind to head north in Gulf Stream but wanted to know what crossing that counter current will be like in 20knots of opposing southerly breeze to reach GS.
I've measured the counter current off St. Catherine's Island, south of you, several times. It is variable, at least year to year, and usually less than 2-2.5 knots. I don't thimk of hitting it going north as anywhere near the problem of hitting the Gulf Stream going south. With a 20 knotwind, I'd expect you to cut right through it. That said, do get out to the GS as soon as possible.
Never let anything mechanical know that you are in a hurry.
I definitely don't have long term knowledge of the area, but I don't believe there is always a counter current along that shore. According to Windy there is northbound current there ... currently.
My hydrologist colleague tells me that indeed the countercurrent loop in the Georgia Bight is quite variable and sometimes is not there at all. I have seen a northbound shore current in the area. On the other hand, the tides in that area have highs of 5.5 to 9.0 feet, and are on a 25 hour cycle, so the currents at any of the sound entrances are humdingers.
Never let anything mechanical know that you are in a hurry.