Hi Folks,
I'm in the phase of fitting out my Ingrid 38 for a solo non stop
circumnavigation. The question is why. I have no interests in sponsors or records although, it appears that I might be the first
Marine to make this solo non stop
circumnavigation. The real why is because I want to, it's that simple. I started sailing nearly 50 years ago and I am now at a stage in life where I want to do something unique. I see it as an opportunity to test my skills, ability and resourcefulness.
Like anyone who is paying the tab, I'm looking for non
commercial support. If you happen to have items sitting in a box that have more dust than items I'd be pleased to take them off of your hands. What I'm really looking for at the planning stage is paper
charts. I have the basic pilot
charts and electronic charts but paper is always nice.
Here's the proposed
California departure early November 2012...Easter Island...Cape Horn...Port Stanley...Cape of Good Hope...south of
Australia...through the Tasman Sea...Then pretty much home based on
current weather to take advantage of the pacific highs...and home in late June 2013. If you have paper maps or pilot
books for any of the locations along this
route that you no longer required and would consider passing them along I would be happy to pay
shipping, or to send you some of my metal art in return.
Other items are also greatly appreciated should they no longer be of use in your cruising schedule.